What Does it Mean to Be an Embodied Woman?

Embodiment is your birthright, dear woman!

To be an embodied woman means to fully inhabit and embrace your physical body, embracing and experiencing it as an integral part of your identity and existence.

The calling to become more embodied is particularly relevant given the tragic prevalence of sexual trauma and the modern culture we live in that often values productivity and intellectual pursuits over presence, sensuality, intuition, and somatic awareness.

More and more women are turning to embodiment work to heal what talk therapy and self-help alone couldn't heal. Your next step on your inner journey to becoming more embodied as a woman could start here, too.

Here's a deeper exploration of the significance of embodied womanhood:

  1. Reconnection with the Body: Trauma, whether it's physical, emotional, or psychological, can often result in a disconnection from one's body. This disconnection can manifest as a sense of numbness, dissociation, or even self-alienation. Becoming an embodied woman involves intentionally reconnecting with the body, acknowledging and processing past traumas, and reclaiming ownership over one's physical self.

  2. Empowerment: Embracing embodiment can be an empowering act. It means recognizing and honoring the body's wisdom, resilience, and capacity for healing. It's about owning and celebrating the physical aspects of femininity and reclaiming agency over one's own body.

  3. Emotional Expression: The body is a powerful vehicle for emotional expression. Being an embodied woman allows for a fuller range of emotional expression, whether it's through movement, dance, touch, or simply allowing oneself to feel emotions physically. This can enhance emotional well-being and communication.

  4. Self-Care and Healing: An embodied woman prioritizes self-care practices that nurture the body and promote healing. This includes activities like massage, self-compassion, self-massage, and other forms of self-soothing that can help address the impact of trauma and stress.

  5. Mind-Body Connection: Cultivating embodiment fosters a strong mind-body connection, which can enhance self-awareness, intuition, and overall mental health. It helps in recognizing the body's signals and using them as valuable information in decision-making and navigating life's challenges.

  6. Resisting Cultural Pressures: In a culture that often emphasizes productivity and living in the head, choosing embodiment is a form of resistance. It challenges the notion that a woman's worth is solely tied to her intellectual or productive output. Instead, it asserts that the body and emotions are equally valuable and worthy of attention.

  7. Connection with Others: Embodied women often find it easier to connect with others on a deeper level. Being in touch with one's own body can facilitate empathy and compassion toward others, leading to more authentic and meaningful relationships.

  8. Feminine Empowerment: Embracing embodiment can be seen as a form of feminine empowerment. It challenges stereotypes and societal expectations about what it means to be a woman, allowing for a broader and more inclusive definition of femininity.

  9. Well-Being and Self-Love: Ultimately, being an embodied woman is about fostering well-being and self-love. It involves treating oneself with kindness, compassion, and acceptance and recognizing that you are deserving of love and care just as you are.

It's important to acknowledge that the journey toward feminine embodiment often involves deep healing and may involve confronting and processing pain, sexual trauma, religious trauma, mother wounds, unconscious conditioning, like “Good Girl” conditioning and deep-seated societal and personal beliefs.

Seeking support can be instrumental in this process. Learn more about how I support my clients to become more embodied women here.

You can also book a free discovery call with me to explore if feminine embodiment coaching is right for you.

Overall, know this: You are made to be an embodied woman! It’s part of your sacred calling. Trust the breadcrumbs that guided you here. Read the Embodied Woman Manifesto below and if you’re ready for the highest level of support to help you reach your embodied woman goals, fill out a VIP client application form here.

Feminine embodiment coaching is a powerful and transformative act that can lead to the deepest healing, the greatest self-love, and the biggest transformation in your life. I’m rooting for you!

The Embodied Woman Manifesto

A new kind of woman is emerging: SHE WHO OWNS HERSELF

…and her desires for freedom and wholeness in Sex, Life & Love.

The emerging woman does not to fit into a box. Labels resonate with her less and less.

She is reclaiming her sexuality and her spirituality for herself, because she knows they belong to her before anyone else.

She will no longer betray herself in order to belong.

She is awakening to new depths and playfulness within her own soul. Reimagining life with God.

She is discovering how to fall in love and accept her body exactly as it is. Healing her own gaze.

The emerging woman is smart, ambitious, tender and wise and she is ready to thrive.