Feminine Embodiment Coaching

Become the woman you are created to be & experience life as the Love Story it was always meant to be…

• More CONFIDENCE in Your Sensuality

• Deeper CONNECTION in your Sacred Relationship


in an exquisite 3 months of one-on-one mentorship with the creator of The Feminine Wholeness® Method

Transformational 1:1 Feminine Embodiment Coaching with Morgan Day Cecil

Apply Now

It’s about Sex & Relationship.

It’s about Intimacy & the Divine.

It’s about Creative Fulfillment & Leadership.

Above all, it’s about LOVE.

and becoming FULLY ALIVE in who you are.



Let me guess…

This isn’t your first rodeo.

You’ve been on your healing journey for many moons, but your soul is calling you beyond traditional self-help & therapy now.

You wouldn’t call yourself religious, but your spirituality has always been important to you.

You long for a sweetness and tenderness in relationship to your own body, to your partner and to the Divine.

You’re tired of fixing yourself, hustling to be a “Boss Babe” and struggling in your relationships in the same old ways.

This is your feminine soul inviting you on a new ADVENTURE to return to who you really are, and recover the ROMANCE at the heart of it all.

Once upon a time…

You believed in happily ever after. Your beautiful childlike heart just knew that’s how every story should end. And of course your life would be no different…

You would fall in love, write a book, own a house by 30. You would spend every weekend strolling through the farmer’s market, hand in hand with your husband.

You’d dance in the kitchen and make slow dinners together, flirting and laughing as your kids did their homework and set the table.

Meal times would be sacred. And cleaning up after would be sacred, too. As one of you washed the pots, the other would sneak an appreciative hug from behind before heading out to walk the dog.

You were a team and your relationship felt like the safe place and home you always dreamed of when you were a kid. No matter how the day went, you would end every night in his arms, grateful to be a woman who gets to grow old with someone who truly sees her and adores her more with every passing year.

What happened?

Your soul’s most treasured beliefs and your heart’s deepest longings feel like a fantasy now.

You don’t even know what your body desires. If it still desires. Most of the time you are so tired you’d choose sleep over sex. If you’re not feeling tired, then you’re feeling resentful.

Once again, you worked all day, then had dinner duty. It’s been ages since you’ve been to a farmer’s market. You’re usually catching up on more work or feeling guilty about how dirty your house is, so in your “free time” you clean.

Your relationship is does not feel like home. Truth be told, your body doesn’t either. Your heart is begging you to enjoy some pleasure in your life, but your drive to be productive is stronger. Pleasure always comes with some form of shame anyways— shame for not being enough, shame for being too much—so you’ve learned it’s easier if you avoid it.

You find your pleasurable “hits” in chocolate or wine, but it’s usually alone.

The Problem with the Current Models of Womanhood is That They Don’t Work.

Neither “The Good Wife/Mother” nor the “Independent Woman” fulfill the Whole Woman

Here’s the Problem with Modern Womanhood & the trappings of “Success”…

You’re not convinced you feel any more whole than your mother did, who didn’t have the successful career or all the choices and material success you have.

You know yourself well enough to know it’s not the career or the empowerment that’s the problem—you always wanted to contribute meaningfully to the world and you’re grateful for the opportunities your grandmother never had.

The problem is you have given yourself over to a world that values productivity and success over pleasure and connection.

While still feeling the pressure to look every bit the perfect woman, you have become a man— and not a healthy one.

Somehow being a modern woman got equated with thinking, acting, and behaving like a man and you’re wondering who is actually feeling empowered, because it’s not you right now.

Why does it feel like I have to choose between success and love?

Debbie is now seeing whole new dimensions of who she is.

Debbie Bolves, “My whole world was flat and now I’m seeing all these new dimensions”

Lauren, “There is just an ease inside of me…it’s so beautiful.”

LaurEn healed her nervous system and now feels safe being seen.

Liza got unstuck and found her joy.

Liza, “I now have my desire: full self-expression.”

Yanaelle, “I found home in myself. I am happy.”

Yanaelle found a home in herself.

Moriah H. Nurse Practitioner

“We all know there is no magical pill, but if there was one, it would be working with this woman.


Sacred Feminine Wholeness 1:1 Coaching

a transformational 3-month program of one-on-one embodiment coaching in The Feminine Wholeness® Method to become the woman you were always created to be and experience your life as the Love Story it is meant to be.

I’ll walk you through the same exact process that gave me what nothing else could: pleasure in my body, deep connection in my relationships, and true confidence in my purpose as a woman.

Through a tri-part approach encompassing mind, body and energy practices I will gently guide you to the deepest layers of your body and mind where clarity reigns and true healing and personal transformation unfold.

Using the The Feminine Wholeness® Method as our framework we will customize your very own daily focus, daily practice, and daily action to bring you closer to your goals.

You get to:

  • Feel pleasure and goodness in your body. Feel sexy in every breath and connected to your feminine energy

  • Experience fairy tale level connection and intimacy with your man.Create intimacy, desire, and connection with your man in ALL parts of life, not just sex (but that too!)

  • Discover true confidence and power in your purpose. Let go of old beliefs and say yes to real freedom & sacred self-expression.

If you are ready to rediscover who you are, heal the unconscious blocks keeping you disconnected from yourself and your man, awaken your own sacred feminine wholeness and become the woman you were created to be, I invite you to fill out the application below:

Apply Now

Here are some of the things women begin to experience through the Sacred Feminine Wholeness Program:

  • The best sex of your married life! Blushing when he looks at you, melting when he touches you, looking forward to sex because you’ve never felt this safe or this turned-on your whole life.

  • Doing less and accomplishing more (and earning more$$$) because you’ve stopped spinning your wheels in “proving yourself” energy and instead flow in next-level confidence.

  • Momentum for your creative projects and biggest dreams. Writing your book. Booking that trip. Moving your family to Spain.

  • Laughter returns! It’s been a long time since your nervous system felt safe enough to let her guard down. Now you are enjoying a new sense of playfulness and fun that makes you feel light, and alive.

And because the mind, the spirit, and the body are all connected, women also report these physical benefits too:

  • More energy and a stronger immune system because you are no longer exhausting your body in worry or insecurity.

  • A greater inner vitality because the blocks around shame have been removed and life-force can now flow.

  • Having the best body ever because the unconscious drive to self-sabotage is no longer running the show.

  • Better/multiple orgasms and no more pain during sex because your nervous system now feels safe in pleasure instead of triggered by it.

You can live in a world of wholeness, pleasure, confidence, and sacred joy in the bedroom and beyoond.

Katy can access to Playfulness and Joy even in hard places

 Every Woman’s Success Story is Paving the Way to Yours…

A few success stories from the Feminine Wholeness® Community

Katy Long, “She taught me what it means to be truly embodied.”

Amanda Rose, Embodied Leadership & Womb Coach, “It was an unforgettable, life-changing experience.”

Amanda retired the under-earning Good Girl and confidently raised her prices!

Carrie, “Now I have to get used to things being so good.”

Jasmin pivoted her career and changed her life.

Jasmin @Conscious Sexuality, “Absolutely priceless.”

“I was depressed about my life…now I have to get to used to things being so good.T he amount of money is nothing compared to me knowing who I am.”

Yanaelle, “I found home in myself. I am happy.”

Yanaelle found a home in herself.

Meet Morgan, Creator of the Feminine Wholeness®Method

Hi, I’m Morgan.

My professional bio is below, but I what I want you to know about me first and foremost is that I believe in true romance and meaningful adventure for all. I’ve been married nearly 15 years and I believe a big part of how our true love partnership is my commitment to sacred feminine wholeness and embodiment. We’re made for relationship and growing older with my husband has been one of the biggest gifts of my life. Married or single, I want you to experience life as a Love Story too. This is why I do this work.

Morgan has spent 20+ years training in mind, body and spirit methodologies for healing and transformation, including trauma-informed sexual healing, breathwork, hypnotherapy, deep feminine psychology, tantra and contemplative Christianity. She earned an M.A. in Philosophy and has relentlessly pursued what lights her up. Her personal life has taken her from chronic depression and the reality of a single mom on food stamps, to 6-figure CEO and mother of two living a true romance and meaninngful adventure with her husband.

Her clients get to enjoy becoming the women they’ve always desired to be- joyful, sexy, self-expressed, and free to go after their soulful ambitions, without the hang-up of what other people think. The permission and intimate support you receive in her programs is like having the big sister you always wanted. She leads with her own vulnerability, models what wholeness looks like (unapologetic womanhood and shame-free imperfection), and gives women the permission and the tools to come home to herself.

Are you going through it?

Are you seeking guidance on your spiritual and embodied journey as a woman?

If you are going through any kind of  life transition (marriage, motherhood, career, religious deconstruction, or physical relocation), 

or have suddenly woken up to how your shadow-side has been holding you back from having the love, relationship, and life that you want,

When we work together I’ll help you use this season to launch into your best self—a woman you’re gonna be so proud to be!

Whether you are at a crossroads in your life, feeling lost and needing support through relationships challenges, a pivot in your career, or making it through a dark night of soul, I know how to help.

Receive the insider knowledge, accountability and support of a woman who has walked the path before you and come out victorious.

We aren’t made to do this alone.

Lauren Scott, MA LPC Therapist

“I never thought I would be able to love myself for who I am. Morgan gave me tools to tap into my natural capacity for delight, joy, innocence and pleasure. This has forever changed me, and my work as a therapist.”

Tell me…What do you want?


    Permission to let go of shame and say yes to pleasure.

    All of us are born with the potential for a vibrant, life-giving, creative and healthy sexuality. Almost everyone, especially women, lose contact with their essential wholeness and pleasure power, resulting in fear, guilt, shame and separation/loneliness in the very area that was meant to bring connection, joy, and nourishment and union. Working with a professional you trust is an absolute must for any women who is not experiencing the pleasure and freedom she desires in the bedroom.Working one-on-one with me you will be given the holistic tools to rewire your relationship with sex. You'll also get the healthiest sex-education you missed out on growing up, so that you can finally experience the orgasms and intimate connection you long for.

    The good news: Whatever your current relationship is with sex, the full possibility of a vibrant and healthy (and fun!) sexuality is available to you. Your body is resilient and made for pleasure. With proven practices and a holistic model of sexuality, you can become a woman who knows how to create a sex life that deeply nourishes her.


    Permission to fall in love all over again.

    We are made for sacred relationship. Sacred relationship holds space for safety, love, belonging and becoming between two people. Inside this highest companionship we get the gift of sharing and experiencing Love. Healthy relationships have the power to heal the deepest parts of us, allowing us to blossom and come more alive than ever before. But...relationships, even loving ones, also have the power to wound. Many women report feeling less alive inside their marriages and they describe their experience as one of withering instead of blossoming. Working one-on-one together I will guide you into new knowledge of the inner workings of love and how to experience and grow in healthy intimacy.

    The good news: Experiencing the fullness of Love is your destiny! The struggles you are currently experiencing in your relationship is an invitation to move beyond old patterns. You are ready to evolve into a more life-giving dynamic. Learning how to see yourself and your partner with loving new eyes is incredibly magic and it doesn't just change your relationship, it changes your life.


    Permission to shine.

    There is a direct connection between a woman’s sense of wholeness and her ability to confidently know who she is, what she wants and why she is here.

    Part of every woman’s purpose in this time in history is embodiment. By becoming more embodied as a woman not only will you have greater access to your intuition, creativity, power and divine gifts, you will always be contributing to the evolution of human consciousness. Your purpose and mojo is not only important to you to find out, it’s important to us all.

    The good news: Finding your purpose and getting your mojo back isn’t complicated or hard when you start flowing in your feminine wholeness. Your groove is already on it’s way back, just by reading these words! You can trust your soul is guiding you even now, leading you in your next right step to become the woman you were always created to be

Permission to Thrive

Want a peak inside the program?

What makes Feminine Wholeness® Coaching unique?

Unlike traditional counseling or therapy, Feminine Wholeness® coaching is embodiment coaching that tenderly takes you deep into your body where your unconscious and subconscious mind store all your memory, emotion, limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior. 

Working with the deepest layers of the primal brain we are able to get to the root of the issues quicker and bring you results faster than cognitive approaches alone.

Through ancient practices of transmission and compassionate presence, cutting-edge trauma healing techniques, and transformational neuroscience principles, the old residue of fear, guilt, and shame gets integrated into love. 

The Feminine Wholeness® Method approach treats healing as a love-story, not a battle.  The process is gentle, playful, loving, soft, deep and everlasting.

Everything belongs and everything is sacred inside this coaching container. We effortlessly blend science-backed somatic practices to heal your nervous system and the sacred feminine arts of ritual and prayer, that feel most authentic to your soul.

 The Feminine Wholeness® Method

How our sessions work

We will meet via Zoom for our 60-min sessions. Through a specific roadmap I'll guide you through each week that’s based on your goals, we'll uncover and restore key aspects of your hidden wholeness that have been lost or fragmented and keeping you stuck instead of free. 

At the end of every session, I'll leave you with a customized practice and specific self-care homework that will reinforce the insights you gained during that session and further support your desired results overall.

In just 3 to 6 months depending on the frequency of our calls, you will have greater access to pleasure in your body, the ability to deeply connect with a partner who shares your desire for intimacy, connection, recognition and sacred union, and true confidence in who you are and your purpose in the world.

What’s Included in the Investment

The Sacred Feminine Wholeness 1:1 Coaching Container includes transformational coaching and direct support from Morgan Day Cecil. Depending on your personal goals, Morgan will also give youVIP access to select Feminine Wholeness courses to support your journey as you work 1:1.

My commitment to you

As an Integrated Sex, Love and Relationship coach in the VITA® Methodology I am trained to work with mind, body and energy in a tri-part system that makes this process of developing real self-love and total freedom holistic and effective for deep and lasting transformation.

Unlike most counselors and therapists, many of whom haven't ever done this level of transformative work around their own sexuality and who carry (without realizing it) their own judgements and shame, I've personally gone through every single process I'll be sharing with you.

My personal dedication to this work is also my dedication to you. 

As your coach, I can be completely transparent with you and share candidly and vulnerably from my own story about how to overcome any challenges and obstacles you may face along the way to achieving your goal.

I am for you!

Apply Now

What Women Are Saying

I used to believe that my body is broken, doomed to never enjoy sex. I thought it would always be painful. So not true! I recommend one-on-one coaching with Morgan to anyone who needs a guide for navigating the field of healthy sexuality. She is so full of understanding and love and the space she holds for all the tricky sticky stuff is so healing. 

— Kristina G.

I fought feeling like a didn't deserve the investment in myself. However, I am so glad I did. So is my husband. We are having the best sex of our life and feeling more and more on the same page for the future we want to build. For two kids raised with so much religious conditioning and shame we feel so, so free!

 — Kate P.

I'm finally embodying the truth I have always known. I’m now married to the love of my life and have had another baby at 40. I am more fulfilled than I ever dream and it couldn’t have come to be without the healing and confidence I received from coaching with Morgan.

— April P.

Who this program is for:

Sacred Feminine Wholeness is Made for You If:

  • You deeply value your time and want to get to the good stuff quicker! My clients regularly achieve breakthrough in less than 3-months in the same common areas of stuckness that what others spend decades or a lifetime in talk-therapy trying to achieve.

  • You deeply value authenticity and mastery and the opportunity to be coached and mentored by someone who is an expert in the field, has both lived and professional experience creating the exact results you desire in your own life.

  • You deeply value your energy and are ready to top spinning your wheels and create real change in the areas of life that matter most to you.

  • You deeply value a feminine approach to leadership where you are seen, respected and related to as an equal, not in a dynamic of student-teacher heirarchy.

  • And most importantly, you deeply desire to be a woman who experiences pleasure in her body, sacred connection in her relationships, and full aliveness in who she is created to be and are willing to do whatever it takes to honor those desires and see them fulfilled.

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Not a fit if:

  • You are looking for answers outside of you and want someone to be your guru: I am not a coach that fixes or rescues her clients. I am coach that equips, supports, and guides my clients to the answers within them. I am a coach that clears the way so you can hear your own Truth. I am a coach who will always empower and mirror back to you the healing, freedom, and beauty within you. I only work with women who have claimed self-responsibility for their life.

  • You are looking for a quick fix: True growth and sustainable transformation requires commitment, effort, and patience. If you're not willing to put in any effort, this may not be the best fit.

  • You are in financial distress: We believe in the value of investing in personal development, but if you're currently facing severe financial constraints and cannot comfortably afford this program, it may be best to explore other options. My YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing high-value free content to serve you right where you are at.

  • You are complacent: If you're comfortable with the status quo and have no desire to challenge yourself or strive for something more, this program may not be the right fit. I’m here to gently and playfully challenge you to move beyond your comfort zone and create lasting change.

Can you justify investing in one-on-one coaching?

One-on-one coaching is an investment of time and resources.

Most women don't ever make this level of investment in themselves, even when they acknowledge that shame is shutting them down in the bedroom, and their lack of self-love is affecting the quality of their life.

So what's going to change?

If you only did coaching for yourself, it would be more than worth it.

And if you are married and your relationship is lacking the connection and intimacy it once had, the coaching you do on your own is a gift to both of you.

A better question is...

What will it cost you if you don't invest?

Add up how much you spend on fast fashion, Target trips for toilet paper that turn into mini-shopping sprees, and eating out and you may be shocked at how much money you are spending on things that aren't changing anything deep down.

Investing in inner-work can feel scary because we are so conditioned for quick fixes.  We struggle to believe things can actually be different for us so we keep choosing the quick hits as temporary relief from our pain. 

But we know where that gets us... 


So if the "normal" ways of doing things aren't working for you anymore, and you're ready for a better solution, coaching may be the best investment you make all year.

Let's talk.

I'll tell you honestly if I think I am a good fit for you and whether or not this seems like the right time for you to do this personal deep dive. 

After you fill out the application form below we can get you on my calendar for a free 30-min Intro Session where you'll come away with greater clarity on your desires and a clear plan to go deeper. 

Book a Call

A Note from Morgan

As a woman who experienced sexual and spiritual trauma and family dysfunction, I know the struggle women face to overcome shame and self-doubt, and to see themselves (and their power in the world!) clearly.

I’m here to teach women how to see and love who they really are, body and soul, because self-image is deeply connected to our experience of wholeness.

I can offer you the mindfulness tools and embodiment practices that work to rewire your brain, to heal old wounds and integrate dark into light.

I can offer you a new perspective on how to see God and Sex in a way that feels a lot more like Love than Fear.

I can offer you an alternative approach to inner work that turns inner healing from a battle into a love story.

I can offer you the insights I’ve gained from the failures, struggles and successes on my personal story.

I can give you opportunities to see yourself in new ways and show you what it could be like to embody love instead of embodying fear.

I can push back the darkness of your limiting beliefs long enough for you to catch a glimpse of what’s possible without them.

I can mentor you through the process of belonging to yourself and owning your soul-truth.

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