Breaking Free from "Good Girl Conditioning"

In a world where we're often caught in the cycle of overworking and under-earning, it's time to break free from the constraints of "Good Girl Conditioning."

If you want to STOP overworking and under-earning… The Good Girl has GOT TO GO.

Let’s explore the transformational power of Bad Girl Energy (BGE) and how it can help you regain your wholeness, confidence, and financial independence.

This post serves as a wake-up call to women who find themselves trapped in the never-ending loop of people-pleasing, perfectionism, overworking, and under-earning. The key to breaking free from this cycle lies in embracing your Inner Bad Girl.

Understanding "Good Girl Conditioning"

"Good Girl Conditioning" is a pervasive societal influence that often keeps women from realizing their full potential. This conditioning, rooted in traditional gender roles, encourages women to put others first, to seek validation from external sources, and to downplay their desires and ambitions.

Embracing Bad Girl Energy (BGE)

BGE is the liberating force that allows women to challenge these norms and claim their wholeness. It's the playful spark that ignites the flames of authenticity and independence. Here's why you need to nurture your Inner Bad Girl:

  1. Soulful Wisdom: Your Inner Bad Girl is in service to your soul. She represents the unapologetic wisdom that honors your deepest desires and longings as a woman.

  2. Overcoming Blocks: Many women carry unconscious blocks around sex, spirituality, and money. BGE is the key to unblocking these barriers, empowering you to feel whole once more.

  3. Sex, God & Money: The trifecta of Sex, God, and Money holds immense power, and women should have the autonomy to harness it for their own well-being. Instead of deferring this power to others, it's time to claim it for yourself.

  4. Financial Independence: The Good Girl was conditioned to believe her financial security depended on a man. The Bad Girl knows that you have the right to earn money on your terms. An empowered relationship with time and money is her forte.

Reclaiming Your Time and Value

Your time is precious, and you should value yourself accordingly. The Bad Girl doesn't wait for permission or seek approval. She knows her worth and acts accordingly. Your financial future should be driven by your choices, not by conforming to external expectations.

The World Needs More Soulful Bad Girls

The world needs more women who embrace their Inner Bad Girl, who are unafraid to embody her energy. It's time to challenge the status quo, to break free from the expectations that have held you back for so long. In doing so, you'll not only empower yourself but also inspire others to do the same.

Breaking free from "Good Girl Conditioning" is a path that leads to a life that's truly your own. Embracing your Inner Bad Girl and nurturing Bad Girl Energy is the key to beating burnout and realizing your full potential. It's about time you reclaimed your wholeness and your right to live life on your terms.

Wondering where to begin? Get to know your inner Bad Girl inside the 2-hour Dark Feminine Workshop (watch anytime).

How to Unleash Your Inner Bad Girl and Break Free from Good Girl Conditioning

Curious how to tap into your inner Bad Girl? Learn what Dark Feminine Archetypes are really about. I’ll guide you in an embodied experience and sacred teaching to help you release anger, shame, and frustration and reclaim the fullness of your feminine energy. To make the most out of this watch-anytime 2-hour event, take time to sit with the prep guide and workbook I’ve prepared for you.