Core Desire #4: Freedom

Welcome back to the DESIRE IS LIFE//LIFE IS DESIRE Mini-Series. We've made it to our last teaching in our 5-part series on the ancient tantric path to wholeness via the 4-Core Desires.


Here's a quick recap…


The Feminine Path of Desire (Series Cliff-Notes)


1. A woman cannot be truly happy or fulfilled unless she is aligned with her 4-Core desires.


2.A woman cannot fulfill her desires until she awakens and build her shakti. (Email #1)


3. Your dharma is unlocked in learning to trust what lights you up. (Email #2)


4. Artha is the desire for all the means necessary to fulfill your purpose. (Email #3)


4. Kama is what makes life beautiful and your personal journey pleasurable. (Email #4)


Core Desire #4: Moksha




Moksha means freedom, and in a profound way represents the ultimate goal of human existence. 


I hear this desire for freedom at the heart of all my client's desires. Whether she comes to me to heal her religious trauma and sexual shame and/or for business mentorship to make more money.


The desire underneath all the other desires is FREEDOM.


In Eastern tradition, is is the desire for freedom from the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, and the attainment of spiritual liberation or enlightenment.


In Christian teachings, you can relate Moksha to the concept of salvation. 

Just as salvation in Christianity represents freedom from sin and eternal life with God, Moksha encompasses liberation from darkness and suffering.


However Moksha, as one of the 4-Core Desires, goes beyond religious dogmas and invites us to find our freedom in the here and now.


Moksha is the simple desire to be free from anything that keeps us from experiencing full presence with the sacredness within and around us.


Bronnie Ware, Australian Hospice Nurse, shares that people at the end of their life gain phenomenal clarity. 


To honor our desire for Moksha/Freedom this week I invite us to slow down and meditate on her research:


The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying. 

  1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life other's expected of me.

  2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard and missed out on my children's youth and partner's companionship.

  3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.

  4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

  5. I wish that I had let myself be happier. I wish I would have realized sooner that happiness was a choice.

In the end, it's really so simple, isn't it?

As we diligently pursue our Purpose (Dharma), Prosperity (Artha) and Pleasure (Kama) may we reflect daily on what we might call the “hindsight desires” of the dying. 


Presence in the here and now is what makes everything else meaningful.





1. Spend Time Alone: Living a life true to who you are requires regular solitude to reflect on your values, desires and whether or not the life you are living is actually yours.

2. Put Down Your Phone: All love begins in the act of paying attention. Give whoever is in front of you the gift of your full attention.

3. Heal Your Inner Child: The courage to express your feelings is connected to how safe your inner child feels with you. She needs to know that even if the whole world rejects her, you will always have her back.

4. Call an Old Friend: Even a quick little text to stay in touch can make your day.  

5. Do Whatever You Need to Do to LET YOURSELF BE HAPPIER: This is especially true for women and the happiness connected to being able to see their own beauty and appreciate what their body's have done for them.. I hear from my older clients all the time…I wish I wold have not been so hard on myself. I held myself back in so many ways because I felt I wasn't pretty/thin/sexy enough.

6. Just Be Here With Me: Consider taking a regular sabbath or a longer summer sabbatical away from social media. Follow the journaling prompts in the Just Be Here With Me exercise to help you write your own “Petition for Presence.”




As I shared at the beginning of our adventure, a woman cannot be truly happy or fulfilled unless she is aligned with her 4-Core Desires. 


My prayer is that the teaching and resources shared with you over the past-5 weeks has helped you move a bit closer to your body, your soul and a life that fulfills you.


To support you on this sacred path of coming home to your wholeness via the inner work of uncovering, reclaiming, and honoring your Purpose, Prosperity, Pleasure & Presence, here is recap of the programs available for you:

  1. EXPLORE YOUR DESIRES: The Tantric Workshop to Discover Your 4-Core Desires

  2. HONOR YOUR PURPOSE & CULTIVATE SHAKTI: Build Feminine Energy & Personal Power 

  3. MAKE MORE MONEY: The Soulful Seductress Business Accelerator

  4. FEEL MORE PLEASURE: The Body of Bliss Bundle

  5. EXPERIENCE MORE SACRED PRESENCE: Waitlist for the next Sophia Retreat


To Your Heart's Desires,
