Lost & Found

I’ve always been moved by T.S. Eliot's poem East Cocker. There is a line in there that chokes me up every time.

He writes: "There is only the fight to recover what has been lost and found and lost again and again and again." Oh, how I get that. That line from Elliot & Isaiah 30:15: “…my lassos lassoing the runaway parts of me.”

every day

every week

every life

a returning

or a plea to return.

we stray

we stray

we stray

i strayed from you,


but you found me in the bath

and i stood up naked into your arms

You held my wet head.

i sobbed:

sad i left

grateful to be back.

why do i still do this?

i don’t know but at least

every time now

i resist you less and less.

even my ego is learning

not to hesitate.

no. i just turn and return.

remember. recover.

nothing that Love holds

is ever really lost…

Is this you? Because it was me. If you’ve been here for any amount of time you know it is my highest honor and deepest privilege to walk with women who feel lost into the arms of wisdom and Love within themselves. Are you ready? Follow the link below to get on my calendar and let’s discuss your deepest longings. There is a place in the School of Feminine Wholeness for you!

Book A Call.

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