It’s Safe to Release What’s Served It’s Purpose, I Trust Myself Deeply

It’s safe to release what has served it’s purpose. You can trust yourself deeply. It’s fall, the season that reminds us that it’s more than okay, it’s natural and sacred to let. things. go.

I started the week with this mantra and I’m ending the week with it too. I’m convinced it’s one of the most powerful phrases to pray and meditate on and use in self-hypnosis with (if you are into that kind of a thing ).

In order for a women to transform any area of life two things are needed from within:

1). BELIEF You got to believe you can have whatever it is you want.

2). PERMISSION Your subconscious mind (and your body!) has to feel safe with you having that thing.

This is what so much of our inner work, our wholeness work is about...our belief in ourself and the permission we give ourselves to shine. Only you can give yourself that kind of permission. .

And it’s all about cultivating your inner sense of safety.

Let your heart be a sanctuary where you sing this hymn now:


It’s safe to be here.

It’s safe to want what you want.

It’s safe to question what you’ve been told and the old ways you were taught to see yourself.

It’s safe to change and grow.

It’s safe to fail.

It’s safe to try again.

It’s safe to slow down and correct course.

It’s safe to belong to a new tribe of women.

It’s safe to be present now and dream bigger.

It’s safe to trust yourself deeply.

It’s safe to feel uncomfortable.

It’s safe to feel better than you have ever felt before.

It’s safe to let go of all the things holding you back.

It’s safe to release what’s already served its purpose.


We aren’t made to live in the past or to hold onto expired beliefs, habits, stories. Let that shit go! It’s almost a new year and you are ready for the new.


You don’t have to tell me or the world yet what you know is time release, but if you are leaning in and paying compassionate attention to the whispers...


Rooting for you,


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