Shakti, Sophia & Building Your Soul Power

Desire is where it all begins. 

Nearly a decade of coaching and mentoring women at the intersection of sexuality and spirituality has taught me is that a woman cannot be truly happy or fulfilled until she is aligned with her desires.

In tantric yogic teachings, a woman's essence is the flowing force of Desire.

When a woman gets disconnected from her desires, she gets disconnected from herself and her shakti, her soul power.  

Over the course of the next several weeks we'll explore the soul's 4 Core Desires according to ancient Vedic philosophy. 

(If you don't want to wait a month before you learn what Dharma, Kama, Arta and Moksha mean for you, grab the 60-min workshop here to unlock your 4-Desires & Create your Personal Roadmap to Fulfillment now ).

The first teaching I'm bringing you is on Shakti, the energy necessary to fulfill your desires.

How cruel would it be of a teacher to reconnect a student to her desires, without teaching that student what is neccassary to fulfill those desires?

Just as a woman cannot be truly happy or fulfilled until she is aligned with her desires, a woman cannot fulfill her desires unless she awakens and build her shakti.

“She (Shakti) is the valley from which our climb up on the mountain begins."

-Guru Rattana Ph.D.


Shakti, also known as soul power is a concept that has been central to many spiritual traditions. 

In Tantra, shakti is the energy that flows through all living beings, connecting us to the divine and to each other.

In Christianity, we find the energy of shakti hidden in Sophia. Sophia is often depicted as the feminine face of God who embodies wisdom, compassion, creativity, and delight.

In Proverbs, the voice of Sophia sings out:

The Lord created me at the beginning of his work,

The First of his acts of old.

I was daily filled with DELIGHT 

rejoicing before him always.

Proverbs 8:22,30

Both Shakti and Sophia represent the power of the divine feminine, which has been suppressed and marginalized for thousands of years. 

However, She is making a comeback! As you can already sense and observe in the raise of divine feminine coaching programs, books, podcasts and retreats a reawakening to the power of the divine feminine is already underway.

As more and more women (and men) tap in to the transformative power of shakti and Sophia, we will see more generative changes in the world around us, and more personal fulfillment too. In other words, more shakti, more happiness.


“Once you have grasped Her, never let her go. In the end she will transform herself into pure joy."- Sirach 6:27

So how can you tap into the power of Shakti and Sophia to build your soul power?

Here are a few practices to get you started:

1. Connect with your body: Shakti is often associated with the body, and one of the best ways to tap into this energy is to connect with your own body. This can be done through practices like yoga, dance, self-pleasuring meditations,  all of which help you become more aware of your physical sensations and the energy that flows through your body.  Shakti is vibration.

2. Cultivate creativity: Shakti and Sophia  are also associated with creativity, and one of the best ways to tap into this energy is to cultivate curiosity and play. This can be done through practices like writing, painting, music, fashion, make-up, adornments-- all of which help you tap into your own unique creative expression.

3. Embrace the Divine Feminine: Sophia represents the divine feminine wisdom that is found in all of us, regardless of gender. By embracing the divine feminine within ourselves and others, we increase our shakti. Make a simple altar in your room. Light a candle. Pray to the divine feminine figures that inspire you. Visit their sacred sights. 

4. Practice supreme self-care: Shakti is also associated with self-care and self-love. Feminine wisdom communicates with us through feelings and emotions. To awaken our inner shakti and Sophia, it's important to learn how to embrace and alchemize our fear, anger, sadness-- especially related to our sexuality and spirituality. Your soul power is directly related to your capacity for love-- not only how much you can give, but how much you can receive.  If this is your next frontier, 1:1 work with me or another mentor you trust can radically support this process, giving you tools and a new understanding of womanhood that will change your life. 

5. Turn it on, delight it up: In the world of shakti and Sophia, pleasure and playfulness are power. In the words of the wise one, whatever brings you joy, go do that. And do it often.


  1. Listen to the Guided Meditation to Increase Soul Power (Free)

  2. Pick up Tao Tantric Arts for Women by Minka de Vos (a Classic)

  3. Get the practice I created specifically to build my own personal power and help my clients increase theirs too.

(There is so much to share and teach on Shakti//Sophia. It’s one of the reason I love leading retreats, like the one happening in Southern France this Fall. You can get on the waitlist here).

[This post is part of a 5-Part Mini-Series DESIRE IS LIFE // LIFE IS DESIRE ]