The End is The Beginning {Mini-Pilgrimage Day 7}
Welcome to Day 7, Friends! How are you feeling? Refreshed? Excited for more? (Those who want it, will get it!) However you are arriving at this moment, know that it is perfect. Resistance is to be expected, but the MORE of Love still waits.
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
-T.S. Eliot
Every moment we arrive at a fork in the road. Each moment, another fork.
Every instance is a chance to choose a new path of love, or the old road of fear.
Every pause between the inhale and the exhale is an opportunity to consider where you have been and where you are headed.
The truth that you are made for Romance and made for Adventure will never change. Every moment you will be given yet another invitation to believe it. And if you choose something ill-befitting your highest and best one moment, another moment, full of grace as it is, will give you another go to choose again.
Life can begin again.
Your heart is good.
Love is always the answer.
And you are made for a beautiful life full of romance and adventure, no matter what your past looks like, or even your present.
I used to think to "arrive” meant to be at the end of a journey. Now I see it’s just the beginning. The Christian tradition talks about the Kingdom of God being like a tiny mustard seed. A life of true and meaningful romance and adventure is like this, too.
This week we've practiced refreshing our soul by breathing, awakening, connecting, trusting, surrendering, and filling ourselves with wonder. There is so much more to discover and unfold in this work of living wholehearted and free.
For those who want more, you are invited to dive much deeper into what it means to encounter our best self and honor all her dreams. You'll learn how to skillfully use the 3 Principles of a Romantic & Adventurous Life (Whimsy, Vulnerability, and Engagement) to bring more passion, vision, joy, freedom, healing and fun to our life in ways that transforms us, heals us and bless those we love. We'll also learn about the lies, the obstacles and the roadblocks that keep us stuck, and most importantly, we'll create a new habit of overcoming everything that comes against us and life to the full.
I've realized in my own journey that one of the greatest tactics Resistance plays is in getting me to wait just a little bit longer before I can believe I am loved and worthy of good things.
I use to believe I was disqualified from romance and adventure because of my background and circumstances. Now I know a life of romance and adventure is my birthright. And it's yours too.
Your last challenge is to practice arriving, being fully present in your life right now, ready for the adventure ahead of you.
So many of us are waiting for something. But waiting to live for any reason is the saddest form of self-denial. You are here. You are already here!
You have arrived.
The question is not when will I get there? The question is where will I go/what will I do now that I have?
Abre los ojos. Open your eyes
For your last 5 minutes of stillness of the R&A Mini-Pilgrimage, I want you to consider this: What do you need now in order to believe you are free to pursue a life of true romance and meaningful adventure? What are you waiting for? The whole summer stands in front of you still. What adventure are you going to choose?
A life of true romance and meaningful adventure waits for you. BELIEVE IT. OWN IT. CHOOSE IT. From here on out, you can be done waiting for it. Since the real magic is happening within you, every single moment contains the seeds for new romance and adventure. You are coming more and more alive. Keep the momentum going! Don't stop pressing in.
Everything I’ve learned on how to create a life of true romance and meaningful adventure for myself I want you to have, too. There are things to learn. Things to unlearn. And things to relearn.
The full Romance & Adventure Pilgrimage blends all there and helps you answer these questions:
- What would it look like to live my own love story?
- What if I could redefine Romance and Adventure for myself?
- What if I could forgive myself and my past and move on kinder, wiser, and more true to who I was created to be?
- Who would I be and what could I have if I could consistently tap into the part of me that is whimsical, brave and engaged?
I want every women to have access to this deep soul work so I've lowered the cost of the Romance & Adventure Pilgrimage from $397 to $99. And (this will make you see how serious I am!) if you sign up today you can get the full step-by-step 5-week journey of the heart for only $49. (Coupon Code EARLYBIRD saves you $50!)
Today, choose your own adventure. Be brave for the sake of love. Invest in something that will make a difference in your life for the rest of your life.
May you step into this summer knowing at any given moment you might encounter something truly beautiful and exciting about this one wild and precious life of yours. May you arrive at those sacred moments ready to journey further out and deeper into this wild country called Love.
Grace & Peace,
p.s. Share a pic on Instagram from your first day on the pilgrimage and tag @morgandaycecil @romanceandadventure #RApilgrimage.
p.p.s. We did it! Mini-Pilgrimage complete! Share your favorite "Core Truth" from the past 7 days with us. Long after today, I hope you return to this core truth again and again and believe it in your bones.
Register today for the 5-Week Romance & Adventure Pilgrimage and save $50.
Just for you who have been with me through the mini-pilgrimage, registration for the FULL Romance & Adventure Pilgrimage (complete with $197 worth of bonuses!) is only $49. Tomorrow, it goes to $99.Use this link to reserve your early bird seat and save. Use coupon code EARLYBIRD.
CORE TRUTH: You are made for adventure.
What is the Romance & Adventure Pilgrimage?
The Romance & Adventure Pilgrimage is a 5-week journey of the heart to recover your dreams and believe in good things. It all happens online and you can completely go at your own pace (do it in 5 weeks, 5 months, 5 years or 5 days!) Every week of the journey includes downloadable audio lessons from me, soul-workbooks, guided meditations, mini-missions, and letters of encouragement.
What will I learn?
- How to redefine romance and adventure for this unique season of your life.
- How to create a new vision for a rich life of love and freedom.
- How to unlock the power of whimsy, vulnerability and engagement to fulfill your dreams.
- How to be brave in the face of fear, shame & disappointment.
- How to find lightness and joy in being you.
- How to trust in what you truly desire.
- How to recover from past heartbreak and emotional wounds.
- How to re-engage with your dreams.
- How to shift from feeling stuck and disqualified to feeling free and ready to receive.
- How to fall in love with life anew each day.
- How to befriend possibility and move with confidence in the direction of what you really want.
- How to be present in the moment.
- How to believe that the dreams inside you matter.
What are other women saying who have done it before?
Before I went on the Romance and Adventure Pilgrimage, I felt pretty stuck. My life was wrapped in a lot of old pain and insecurity, which was keeping me from moving on and believing I could be anything more than I was right then. I was tired of feeling bitter and boring, not spending enough time with my family, and keeping so many things inside. Five weeks later, I’m definitely a changed woman. I can see some of the beauty that is inside me, my unwritten future, and the chance that I can be a true adventurer, and a true believer in romance. I now have the strength to pay more attention to the things that truly matter. Thank you so much! -Kisha Witherbee
Participating in the Romance and Adventure Pilgrimage allowed me to do something I hadn’t done in years. It gave me the opportunity to sit down with myself and kindly, softly ask what I truly desire. It seems like such a simple thing to do but it’s always much harder than I anticipate. Having been met with new challenges during this past year of my life, it was refreshing and encouraging to give my heart this kind of attention. I hadn’t realized how important it was for me to have these desires identified and how strongly just knowing about them can effect my daily life. The pilgrimage gave me a new ability to tap into a powerful part of myself that changes the way I live. --Lesley House
"The R&A Pilgrimage was the best money I have ever spent on myself." ~Trish Leichty
Learn more and read more testimonials here
Note from Me:
We tend to think that it's external things that change us or improve our life for the better. The truth is, our circumstances do matter, but they have a whole lot less power over our well-being and experience in life than the condition of our heart.
We buy things all the time that we hope will make us happy, but rarely do they have the lasting effect we desire, because they don’t change the conditions of our heart. In my life the investments I have made in learning how to weave the net that catches the fish, have been the most rewarding. May this $49 investment into your future bless you and everyone you are responsible for loving and leading well.