Intimacy Building Exercise for Deeper Connection [Video]

One of the things couples in a long term committed relationship struggle with the most is connection

Over time many relationships lose trust and intimacy and whether that happens through one dramatic fight or event, or from relatively small disappointments that pile up over time, this loss in trust and intimacy in a sacred relationship is painful because it makes it almost impossible to deeply connect.

Well, you don't have to stay feeling distant from each other and you don't have to keep going to bed with that in awkward tension between you!

That's why we made this video...

There is a really simple and profoundly effective exercise to (re)build intimacy for deeper connection. This exercise lays the foundation for trust and intimacy to be rebuilt in your relationship. 

This is truly one of the foundational practices Ronnie and I return to again and again. It's like hitting the reset button on our relationship so we can love again from a fresh and resentment-free place.

After you watch the video above, you can get (free) access to the exact exercise we are talking about by clicking here. 

This 15-min intimacy building practice is a proven communication exercise that builds trust and intimacy and takes the struggle out of restoring and enhancing connection.

All you have to do is hit "play" and we'll guild you and your man step by step the rest of the way to...
• Learn how to be truly present for one another

• Free your communication of old patterns and power-struggles

• Get good at holding sacred space for one another in the bedroom so that both people to feel known and loved.

•  Have fun being alone together again!

Tell me in the comments below, have you ever tried an intimacy-building exercise? Do you think your partner will be up for it?