How to get ANYTHING you want! (Part 3 of The Emerging Woman Series)

What if I told you you could have ANYTHING you want if you made it FUN enough to have it?

Would you believe me?
Would you call me crazy?
Would you be willing to experiment with the idea?

Let me say it again.

You can have ANYTHING you want in life if you make it fun enough (i.e. safe & pleasurable) to have it.

It's true!

And here is why:

What you want, like what you deeply desire, is MADE for you.

It's not an accident you dream the dreams you do, or envision of becoming the exact right woman fit for those dreams.

They go together because they were always meant to be together-- you, her, your biggest dreams.

Truth Bomb:

The only reason you don't have the life that you want yet is because some part of you doesn't believe it's safe for you to have it.

HELLO, sneaky Queen of Self-Sabotage!

But, it isn't her fault. She actually LOVES you. Like, so, so much.

And because she loves you so, so much, she want you SAFE.

In fact her whole existence, her J.O.B, is to keep you safe by keeping you the same.

Based on past trauma (personal, ancestral and collective) she is absolutely convinced that if you start shining BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL, become RICH and POWERFUL, and embody a level of FREEDOM and WHOLENESS most others just won't understand, you will lose belonging.

And to her belonging to the status quo IS safety.

Fact is, not unlike your mom or your grandma, she may never change her beliefs. She may always want you to play it safe. She may never fully "get" you.

BUT... is the good news!

She doesn't have to run the show anymore.

You can give her a spiritual zanax (so to speak) and let her chill in the love seat, while YOU take it from here.

Because, dear emerging woman, you know...

It's time to put your SEXY big girl panties on and live it up so you can set yourself free.

Here is the secret I teach my VIP clients:

Playful equals POWERFUL.

Why? Because when we are playing, are nervous system is enjoying itself (i.e. NOT freaking out) and the latest brain research shows that the deepest levels of reprogramming occur in rest states such as alpha-theta.

Not to get too nerdy on you, but basically when the neurotransmitter of DOPAMINE is flowing, rewiring is happening and we like it!

You still may be like, I''m not impressed, Morgan, because I don't know HOW to be playful, so what do I do then?!

First, don't worry. I know that. This is where I come in. This is my zone of genius. This is where I am an expert at supporting women.

Second, I'm not going to lie, this is not one of those "secret" that creates an immediate (but fleeting) aha moment.


It is one of those secrets that unveils its truth over time, and with practice, sustains your whole life.

Dive into this 3rd workbook in the Emerging Women Series and review Part 1 and Part 2 of the series. You may be thinking HOW IS SHE GIVING AWAY THIS MUCH EDUCATION & GOODNESS FOR FREE!?


This is just the tiniest tip of the iceberg of all the

  • tips,

  • tools,

  • inside information,

  • personal insight,

  • embodiment practices,

  • paradigm shifting prompts, and

  • innovation in feminine wholeness

I have to share with the women who choose to go deeper with me.

( (f you are already ready to imagine what else is possible, take a peak at The Embody Academy.)

If you already know that is for you and want to get to the real magic that is the 1:1 support, sacred sisterhood, and in-person experience, book a free call with me here.

Until then,

You can trust what lights you up!

Download the workbook above and give yourself permission to just play with the idea that PLAYFUL = POWERFUL and see what if anything shifts!

What do you have to lose?

Chant this mantra with me now:

It's safe to play!

It's safe to play!

It's safe to play!

Grace & Peace & Playful Power,


P.s. This concludes our 3-part email series on the Emerging Woman, but there is still more FREE learning coming!

To recap what you've learned so far:

  • You learned that Sex, God, and Money have everything to do with a woman's power and freedom and if power and freedom is what you want, then reimagining your relationships with Sex, God, and Money is what you need. (Owning your own Energy!)

  • You learned that there is nothing wrong with you. At your core you are whole and your dreams are kept safe by soul. The unresolved trauma in your life is what's keeping you in prison and you are becoming more and more equipped to break free!

  • You learned that the more fun you have, the more healing and thriving you enjoy because playful equals powerful and the nervous system LOVES it when you laugh and smile and have a good time.

Now it's time to make a decision: Are you ready to embody the emerging woman within? Are you ready to see what is possible when this part of you is fully seen, heard and supported? Book a call with me and let’s explore together.

Morgan helped me move more mountains in my life in 3 months than I was able to do over the course of 14 YEARS through talk therapy, EMDR, and reading countless self-help books. I can now own and take responsibility for my own life and let go of my victim mentality, I can trust myself to discern what I TRULY want and need, LIFE CHANGING.
— -Laura M.
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