Feminine Wisdom Is Awesome
All of us have layers.
We live in these layers.
Layers of story.
Layers of our own script.
Layers of emotion and protection from emotion.
If ever these layers start to feel too heavy, too cumbersome, too suffocating for the life we really want to live, we can do something marvelous:
We can let them go.
This is a practice.
This is an art.
It goes something like this: Paying tender, compassionate attention to our own experience of sadness or worry or heaviness, we can choose to breathe and notice... Beneath the story…
A feeling.
Beneath the feeling...
A fear.
Beneath the fear...
A felt sense.
Something in our body is communicating with us-- hot, pounding, cold, stinging, rushing, boiling.
The physical sensations are calling us to come, abide, BE WITH, and breathe.
This may feel like terror to stay with the sensation. You may say no, no, no, I don't want to witness my body that raw.
But trust me, you do.
Because beneath the sensation, there is a humming.
A steadiness.
Your body is SINGING to you.
Here in this place,
deeper than a story,
deeper than a feeling,
deeper even then hot, cold, pressure, and emptiness,
is LIFE:
This pulsing With-ness is humming "WHOLENESS": A resilient essence, Your resilient essence, Of LOVE.
Here is where you can go when the layers become too much.
This is yoga.
This is prayer.
There is a word you Yoginis will know:
"Anahata." It means "unstruck" and in the chakra system, it refers to the heart center. "This is one of those cheerful little jokes we find everywhere in Sanskrit," says the author of The Radiance Sutras, "hearts beat-- that's what they do. And hearts get wounded. But there is a level of your heart that is unwounded. Any time you want to take refuge here and be healed, in your essential heart that is steadily humming along." Whether you are walking the road of Romance & Adventure or Feminine Wholeness the practice is the same:
Learn to breathe with love and go deep, deep, deep through the layers that bind you until you come to this open space within where your hidden wholeness hums.
Complete in the steady company of Love