A New Relationship with Sex, God, & Money (Part 1 in Emerging Woman Series)
Buckle up, dear one!
This is part one in our Emerging Woman series and we’re diving straight in to 3 FUN TABOOS and celebrating the power and freedom they unlock in us!
I also created a workbook for filled with powerful prompts to help you along (see below)
I freaking love talking about taboos! You know why? Because just talking about it unhooks the power of shame!
Shame feeds in the dark. Taboos you let you know exactly where the dark is. Go straight there with love and light and boom! shame scatters.
So with that in mind, here we go, 3 SUPER-fun taboos:
Sex, God and Money!
These are NOT topics "good girls" have ever been encouraged to explore on their own before because...
Sex, God & Money are all related a woman's power, and lets be honest: "good girls" were never encouraged to be powerful.
But, guess what!?
We aren’t aspiring “good girls” anymore.
And emerging women are ready to own their p o w e r.
Whether we work together 1:1 or not, I want to see you awaken to bold, new confidence in you.
There are two kinds of power to cultivate:
1. Internal Power: The power to feel how you want to feel in here [points to heart].
2. External Power: The power to manifest what you want to manifest out there [points to world].
If we do work together, you will become masterful in both these arenas.
But thats getting too far ahead...
This is only part 1 in our month-long series!
So let's slow down and back up.
Woman ask me how I got so free...
You are the embodiment of freedom! They tell me.
How do you do it? They ask.
Well, freedom is related to power and after spending way too long trying to get free while remaining powerless, I got wiser.
I want to break it down for you in a few bullet points, because freedom and power is meant for all women. And if I can be this kind of woman, you can too:
I am a woman who lives by her desires. (I delight in my sensual/sexual/creative energy. Pleasure is part of my life, everyday, not just some days.)
I did the work of healing the unresolved trauma! I sought the mentors who could teach me how to dismantle old shame and redeem my relationship with my body and pleasure. I choose to courageously live my life based on what lights me up. I own my YESES and my NOs.
I am a woman who trusts herself and knows the voice of God in my life. (I delight in my spiritual energy. I honor my spiritual practices daily and know God loves me, accept me exactly as I am.)
I went within, I go within, daily. I slow down and listen. I discovered my authentic connection to the divine and I own the authority of my spiritual experiences. I know my highest values and I seek to embody them.
I am a woman who knows her value and worth. (I delight in my earning power. What I charge is reflective of the level of attention I give and transformation I deliver to my clients, and my clients rejoice in working with me because the results they get are priceless, and their investment feels like a steal).
I cleared up my money blocks. After years of coaching and going into debt setting other women free, I examined my own poverty mindset and the ways I was holding myself (and my kids) back out of fear/guilt of leaving other women behind. Now I accept my limitations and give a ton of free content away while only working 1:1 with women who value my time and experience as much as they value their own desires and freedom. Money is always an energy exchange.*
In sum...
A woman who lives by her desires, knows her worth, and trusts her embodied connection with God is a POWERFUL woman.
It's been decades of work, but I'm feeling pretty powerful these days, which is why I'm bringing you this series, so you don't have to wait ten years or duct-tape your way own back to wholeness...
Yes, I have a Master's Degree in Philosophy.
Yes, I have spent the last 20-years training in mind-body-spirit methodologies for healing and transformation, including breath work, trauma-release, hypnotherapy, deep feminine psychology, contemplative christianity and tantra.
But no, you don't have to walk this same exact path to get where I am.
You will have to invest in yourself. Whether that looks like time or money or both, I don't know for you (it was lots of both for me!), but I do know it will require your ENERGY.
Most of us weren't raised with an awareness of our own feminine power or energy. But we can start bringing awareness to that power and energy now.
And, here is the good news...
The more consciousness (light!) a woman brings to her unconscious programming (dark!) the more power she gets to create the life she really wants.
Not through hocus-pocus, but through energy alchemy and embodiment.
(More on both these things in the free-training coming up at end of February!)
Right now, here is what is important to know:
When you own your energy as a woman and heal your relationships with sex, God and money, you become a creator instead of a victim.
It's all E N E R G Y.
God is energy: When we bless one another we become “conduits” and “channels” of God’s love.
Sex is energy. When we feel sexual and creative energy we call it being “turned on.”
Money is energy: We literally call it “currency!”
The future you is energy, too: PURE POTENTIAL
You don’t have to be afraid of any of it.
Now, here is the pep talk:
You are a full grown woman!
Allowed to want!
Trustworthy to be...
a very good steward of this cosmic electricity!
Feel free to turn that into a song or chant for yourself when you are feeling down.
Want to make this inner-awakening even more fun?
Simply start saying THANK YOU and MORE PLEASE.
It's amazing how much this simply works!
All energy circuits need open channels.
And energy flows where attention goes.
So pay attention to all forms of GOOD ENEGY (desire, dollars, divine winks). Celebrate each blessing and let the universe know you are down to receive MORE.
This week, I invite you to dive into this workbook I created especially for my EMERGING WOMEN (i.e. you!)
And if your week is FULL and you don't have time for the journaling prompts, simply commit to DOING THIS (it weaves right into your day, no extra-time required):
For every dollar, for every desire, for every holy bread crumb you come across that feeds the woman you are made to become, say thank you and more, please.
This is a real practice, not an inspirational quip. So make a commitment to yourself to do it. And dm me on instagram for next-step accountability.
Grace & Peace & Power,
p.s. See you soon for part 2 of The Emerging Woman! is about getting to know our "inner prison guards" and how we can turn them into our sexy body-guards instead! (Way more fun to live with!)
* Wise words from Dr. Valerie Rein during one of our calls helped me understand this: “The speed of change almost always correlates to the investment made in oneself. Why? Because monetary investment energizes our commitment to our own freedom.”