embody YOUR feminine wholeness

The Woman of the Embody Academy Share Their Claiming Statements

The above statements aren’t just words. They are the embodiment of each woman’s longing and celebrate her many months of dedicated inner work, commitment to the Integrative Feminine Wholeness practices, and the support she allowed herself to receive. The Embody Academy is metamorphosis inside a chrysalis of healing sisterhood...

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I am the woman who belongs to herself.

Amy Carpenter

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I am the woman of allowing, who embraces all of herself, seeking delight in the world.

Chloe W.

This is what womanhood looks like.

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I am the woman who identifies with and embodies pleasure and is free to become.

Kirsten P Kelly

After months of work together these women proudly claim who they are, in their own words, fully embodied, facing the future with all their resources, no longer stuck in an identity trance based on the past. Because of the work they’ve done inside the Embody Academy, these women now expand what’s possible for other women and men in their family, their community, their spheres of influence just by the power of their presence.

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I am a woman who is married to my erotic nature and the wisdom of my pussy.

Lauren H. Scott

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I am the woman who knows who she is and is free to be anyone!

I am the woman who as come to all of her senses.

Debbie Bolves

This is what sovereignty looks like.

I look at Morgan as my first healthy leader. 

And by healthy, I mean... she did not need me to stay broken for her to be able to lead me! 
— Caroline W.
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I am the darkness

I am the light

I am my own.

Rachel Fisher

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I am the woman who fiercely protects herself, and the feminine in all the women who come before and after me.”

Sarah, Her.Wilder.Mind

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I am the woman who delights and takes pleasure!

Jasmin Carmen, Conscious Sexuality

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I am the woman who doesn’t apologize for her freedom and who loves herself first. I am also the woman with the magic!

Madison R.

This is what wholeness looks like.

The world needs women who own their longing and themselves. Body and soul. Feminine fullness. Compassionately and courageously letting the woman you were conditioned to be go, so you can become the woman you were created to be. Are you ready?

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If there was a magic pill…

“There are three products I believe in—OxiClean stain remover, Jessicurl hair gel, and Morgan’s courses and content. I never shut up about any of them, and least of all, Morgan. For a couple years, I have taken every opportunity to learn from her instagram and YouTube videos and podcasts. At a certain point, I knew that what she had to offer through her courses would be worth ten fold the investment.

She has made the difference for me in a thousand ways. I truly don’t know who I would be without her. I understand what a weird thing that is to say about someone I know only though Instagram (someday, in person, I hope!). But it’s the truth!

We know there’s no magic pill. We know that transformation takes grit and rest and commitment and gentleness. And it only happens when you’re ready for it to happen. But if there waaasssss a magic pill.... IT WOULD BE WORKING WITH THIS WOMAN!” —Moriah

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My imperfections are perfect…

“I started this process hating having my picture being taken. Because of the HYOG {Heal Your Own Gaze} course material, the loving encouragement from Morgan and all the other woman also taking the course, I was able to get passed it and embrace my imperfections as perfect. The exercises and meditations have helped me heal. I highly recommend this course!”

— Michele L

SEXY Wholeness Doesn’t Have an Age Limit.

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Seeing myself as sexy…

Seeing myself as sexy has not been a part of my narrative for about 30 years. Even typing that gives me a feeling of sadness for how I have shamed my own body as it changed, especially through menopause. I mentally called myself “fat pig” and more. Now, I happily look at myself in the mirror and love what I see, imperfections and all. I am thankful for all she (my body) has been able to do for me. Seeing myself in this new way has motivated me to take better care of myself and treat my body with respect, healthy food and life giving activities.

Morgan is the deepest, most dedicated, knowledgeable, wise loving and lovable woman I now. It’s like having the perfect big sister (even though I am much older than her) who I can talk to about ANYTHING without ANY judgement or dismissiveness, and with love, acceptance and joy. She taught me to have fun with the process of embodiment and be loving and gentle with myself along with the way."

Debbie B.

I wanted to join the Heal Your Own Gaze experience for over a year but I felt I was too old, that my time for being sexy was over. When Morgan offered the week long Facebook teaching, I realized being sexy didn’t mean what I thought. Morgan’s teaching re-framed my definition of sexy, and helped me see what sexy truly is no matter what your age. I have reclaimed what has been mine all along. Confidence, grace, and peace within are all sexy and part of my healing journey. So if you think you are too old, you’re not. Wholeness doesn’t have an age limit.

— Lori H.
So much healing and wholeness came full circle for me through the Embody Academy!

I have much clarity in my life now. So much alignment has happened for me. I feel my power and let it lead me to free-er and much bigger spaces. I am really strong now on what is a full body yes, and when it isn’t, I trust myself deeply.

The investment into myself was the validation and proof of the worth I’d been looking for outside of me. Now, I was worth it and would unlock that worth on the inside of me. 

And it all truly belongs - WE really belong!!”

— Carolyn W.
I really struggled with self-validation and wondering if I was really worthy to show up at the table, questioning my validity and always kind of feeling less-than when it came to feminine leadership.
In working with Morgan and using the art of the sexy selfie, a truly revolutionary practice, I began to embody more fully my inner queen. And allowing that to radiate through my life, I have experienced more confidence, more ease in decision making, I’ve been able to advance in my business in bigger and bolder ways.

It’s impacted EVERY SINGLE AREA OF MY LIFE. Spiritually, emotionally and even physically. The way that I see myself and the way that I move my body in the physical world, all of this has changed through working with Morgan and being a part of her program.”
— Amanda rose