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The Soulful Seductress Business Accelerator

Check your inbox within 24-hours for an email from the Teachable platform. In the meantime, get started with the first module & bonus teaching below….

Intro to Module 1

Intro to Module 2

Bonus #1: The Bad Girls Get Rich Guide to Charging More

You aren’t alone in your experience of under-earning and over-giving. That was me for years. Download this 70+ page guide and I’ll walk through how I got over “Good Girl” conditioning and started having way more fun making way more money. You can do this too! This jumpstart guide will help.

BONUS #2: The Ultimate Guide for Turning On Your Feminine Energy

Awakening your feminine energy for a wildly meaningful and successful life on your own terms-- without making yourself vulnerable to burnout, health crisis and broken relationships-- comes down to you having & implementing these 4 pillars:

Pillar #1.) Connecting Daily with Your Soul

Pillar #2.) Nourishing Your Body with Pleasure

Pillar #3.) Teaching Your Brain to Serve You instead of Sabotage You

Pillar #4) Radically Trusting Your Intuition

When you are ready to go deeper into experiencing your business as a spiritual practice that lights up your body and soul….

About Your Guide


Morgan has spent 20+ years training in mind, body and spirit methodologies for healing and transformation, including trauma-informed sexual healing, breathwork, hypnotherapy, deep feminine psychology, tantra and contemplative Christianity.

She earned an M.A. in Eastern Philosophy and has relentlessly pursued what lights her up. Her personal life has taken her from chronic depression and the reality of a single mom on food stamps, to 6-figure CEO and mother of two living a true romance and meaninngful adventure with her husband.

Her clients get to enjoy becoming the women they’ve always desired to be- joyful, sexy, self-expressed, and free to go after their soulful ambitions, without the hang-up of what other people think. The permission and intimate support you receive through her coaching is like having the big sister you always wanted.

She leads with her own vulnerability, models what wholeness looks like (unapologetic womanhood and shame-free imperfection), and gives women the permission and the tools to come home to herself.