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Integrated Feminine Wholeness Coach

The Romance & Adventure Pilgrimage

5-week journey of the heart to recover your dreams and believe in good things


This is a journey to the Heart to REMEMBER Who You Are and awaken your most important dreams.

Would you like to:

  • know what you truly desire?

  • reawaken the best of who you are?

  • find the well within that never runs dry?

  • create more intimacy and connection with your spouse?

  • have a lighter, more radiant presence that attracts healthy, fun people, more rewarding work and opportunities?

  • break free from old patterns that have kept you stuck, unfulfilled, unhealthy, resentful, lost?

  • move forward in your life in love, gratitude and excitement?

  • let your dreams run wild and rise up to meet them?

Every woman needs to know two things:

1). Who she is

2). What she is made for.

This personal discovery unlocks unlimited potential for a life of love and freedom in your relationships, your family, your health, and your career. 

You CAN live a life of true romance and meaningful adventure and you don’t need to lose one pound, find a spouse or change your spouse, move to another country, or make more money first.

The Romance & Adventure Pilgrimage was created to help you do it.

Through five powerful go-at-your-own-pace modules (that you can do in five weeks, five months, five days or five years!) you will be guided back to the hidden wholeness within where you can rediscover beauty, your own talent for life, and the well that never runs dry. 

Life is the most wonderful fairytale.

Hans Christian Andersen


Life is meant to be...

grand, redemptive and sparkling.

We know that deep in our bones, don’t we!? We can preach it to our best friends and our sisters.

Sometimes, though, it feels like our own life is in a rut, like we are stalled-out on the side of the road watching our dreams pass us by. If you kinda feel like that right now, that’s okay.


I’ve been there and I can help.

I'm Morgan.

Like many women, I grew up experiencing all kinds of heartbreak, darkness, loneliness and insecurity. All the women in my family came from a long line of anxiety and depression. 

Sometimes, though,  I could hear a still, small voice within me say,

“You are made for more than this.”

When life through me a curve ball and I got pregnant with my son and became a single mother, I began a journey of the heart to uncover who I was underneath all the brokenness, fear and disappointment in my life. I was lost and the things I had hid behind before (relationships, drugs/alcohol, stereotypical sex appeal ) no longer protected me.

For the sake of my baby boy I decided to start asking better questions. Instead of, “Why doesn’t my life look like all the other peoples’ whose lives I admire?” I started asking,

“What would it look like to live my own love story?

What if I could redefine romance and adventure for myself?

What if I could forgive myself and move on kinder, gentler, wiser, and more true to who I was created to be?"


No matter what your past. No matter how crazy or sad or dark or tragic  or boring your story. I believe in a beautiful, redemptive future for you and for me.

For all of us.


I created the Pilgrimage because I want to equip every woman to  believe and embody these 4 truths:

1. life can begin again

(at any moment)


2. Your heart is good

(and so is your body)


3. Love more not less

(come what may)


4. You are made for romance & adventure

(the truest and most meaningful kinds)

 Doing the important heart work we do in the R&A Pilgrimage has changed my life and I believe it can change yours, too.


Here is what you’ll learn:

  • How to redefine romance and adventure for this unique season of your life.

  • How to create a new vision for a rich life of love and freedom.

  • How to unlock the power of whimsy, vulnerability and engagement to fulfill your dreams.

  • How to be brave in the face of fear, shame & disappointment.

  • How to find lightness and joy in being you.

  • How to trust in what you truly desire.

  • How to recover from past heartbreak and emotional wounds.

  • How to re-engage with your dreams.

  • How to shift from feeling stuck and disqualified to feeling free and ready to receive.

  • How to fall in love with life anew each day.

  • How to befriend possibility and move with confidence in the direction of what you really want.

  • How to be present in the moment.

  • How to believe that the dreams inside you matter.


what other women are saying

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I feel FREE

The R&A pilgrimage was unlike anything I had experienced. I have done hours upon hours of counseling and group effectiveness seminars, and life coaches. All great things, but they all left me striving. What can i do to fix myself, give me a list, give me a book  – let me achieve, will my way into wholeness. The R&A Pilgrimage just asked me to dream. To ponder. To think “what if”. The weekly lessons and mini-missions became a sacred space in my week… I will say there has been a tangible shift in my mind and how i see myself and those around me since going through the Pilgrimage. I look for Romance and Adventure everywhere. I seek out miracles and reminders that He is with me. I have started to practice whimsy and think of crazy what it’s. I’ve committed to traveling more, booked a weekend at the beach by myself and a trip to Seattle to see my two best friends. I was awesome and fine being single and by myself, but i wasn’t experiencing any romance or adventure. Now that has changed. I just feel free. I feel soft. And strong, like a dancer. -Anna Cordes

I'm finally putting into action a lifelong dream

Before I began this Pilgrimage I was in a place of really wondering if what I have been doing has been, well, what I should be doing. The purpose of what I do is what? Is what I do who I am?? I was experiencing anxiety, irritability, and an overall lost sense of balance and priorities. I’ve (vulnerably) shared this Pilgrimage with my husband and now we are becoming friends on a new level and I know very well that he sees a change in me.We are moving forward with purpose together to create a life that we have only til now just talked about. We are making decisions to put into action a lifelong dream of building a ranch in Utah and use it to bless others... a dream we've had for 30+ years!  It is never, never too late. I’m strengthened and determined. -Donna Urban

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i am a changed woman

Before I went on the Romance and Adventure Pilgrimage, I felt pretty stuck. My life was wrapped in a lot of old pain and insecurity, which was keeping me from moving on and believing I could be anything more than I was right then. I was tired of feeling bitter and boring, not spending enough time with my family, and keeping so many things inside. Five weeks later, I’m definitely a changed woman. I can see some of the beauty that is inside me, my unwritten future, and the chance that I can be a true adventurer, and a true believer in romance. I still have a long journey to go, but my perspective is so much clearer and more honest than ever. The R&A pilgrimage gave me the bravery to become a professional artist and to finally put past relationships behind me. I now have the strength to restart my illustration business, and to pay more attention to the things that truly matter. Thank you so much!   -Kisha Witherbee


SNEAK PEAK into the course

Module One

Expanding Your Horizons and Creating a New, Meaningful Vision for Romance & Adventure in Your Life Right Now, Based on Your Core Desired Feelings. Locking in the Truth of Your Identity.

Module Two

Overcoming Fear, Shame & Disappointment and Other Big Obstacles and Roadblocks so You’ll Never Get Stuck in a Rut Again.  Identifying Core Lies and Learning How to Use Conflict & Self Acceptance to Live a Better Story.

Module Three

Uncovering and Practicing the Power of Whimsy to Set New Possibilities into Motion. Discovering Your Creative, Playful Side. Finding that Light-Hearted Child Within Who Laughs Who Believes at  Life Can Begin Again.

Module  Four

Creating Deeper Intimacy in your Life by the Power of Vulnerability and Nurturing More Meaningful Connections to Self and Others. Owning & Naming What you Want, Believing, Without a Doubt, Your Heart is Good.

Module Five

Understanding the Secret to Turning “Someday-Dreams” into Reality. Creating a Step-By-Step Plan & Strategy for Success, Loving Well in the Process, & Staying Present for the Most Important Thing.

What is included

This transformative go-at-your-own-pace online course includes everything you need to take yourself on a personal pilgrimage, anytime anywhere.

Through each module you'll be lead to the spacious and sacred place within where a sustainable life of true romance and meaningful adventure waits.

 Go at your own pace to fit your life and revisit the material again and again, whenever you need to refresh your soul and remember who you are.

Every Module you’ll receive:

  • Audio lessons and guidance you can listen to anytime and anywhere (getting dressed, on your way to work, making dinner) to help you unlock your own vision of romance and adventure.

  • In-depth insights into the obstacles that have held you back and simple ways to overcome them.

  • Fun mini-missions to help you step forward in action, making tangible progress towards your dreams.

  • Powerful letters of encouragement to keep you motivated on the path.

  • Yoga flow for all levels

  • Simple and effective 5 min guided meditations you can fit in anywhere to connect you back to your body, and help you integrate the Romance & Adventure concepts into your whole being.


Also, I give every R&A Pilgrim these awesome...


The Romance & Adventure Self-Study Guide  

120+ pages full of inspiration, journal exercises, templates, workbooks, encouragement, practical advice and relatable stories to awaken your heart and bring more love and fun and purpose into the story of your life.

The Romance & Adventure Life List Workbook

30 page workbook to help you:

  • Reflect on your life and who you are and decide what you want to make of your time on this earth.

  • Be filled with a sense of possibility.

  • Set your intentions and goals for major life mile-markers and birthdays.

  • Get out of the rut you’ve been stuck in.

  • Be motivated and inspired to live your best life.

  • Create the ultimate romance and adventure Bucket List.

The Romance & Adventure Template for Success

20 page workbook to help you:

  • Create a specific mission to bring true romance and meaningful adventure to your life in tangible ways.

  • Express and articulate your goals.

  • Understand the powerful “why” that drives your goals.

  • Create a strategy for fulfilling your goal.

  • Anticipate obstacles and overcome obstacles.

  • Set a deadline.

  • Recruit help.

  • Envision a life that honors the kind of romance and adventure that matters most to you.


100% Happiness Guarantee

I wholeheartedly believe in the power of the R&A Pilgrimage to help you create a meaningful life of true romance and meaningful adventure. What matters most to you, though, is what you think of it! If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just return within 2 weeks of purchase with evidence of your homework complete for a full refund. You don’t have to give me an excuse or a defense. I just want to know you gave it a good try and didn't quit on yourself! What has helped so many other women can help you, too. But if it doesn't, you don't have to feel like you lost out.


More encouragement from women who have been right where you are...

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i began to explore the dreams I had been hiding

Before the Romance & Adventure Pilgrimage, I had written off romance and only sought adventure on a grand scale. I found myself caught up in other people’s dreams and lives, constantly comparing my way with their and I had started believing that my dreams didn’t matter or even exist. But as I walked forward on this pilgrimage, my soul began to find peace. Through the lessons Morgan offered and the mini-missions to dig deep, I began to explore the dreams I had been hiding and harboring in my heart.  I believe now in living wildly free and building a life with  my husband that is a work of art.   I am not the same pilgrim I was when I began this course. – Caitlin Lore

It gave me time for me

Participating in the Romance and Adventure Pilgrimage allowed me to do something I hadn’t done in years. It gave me the opportunity to sit down with myself and kindly, softly ask what I truly desire. It seems like such a simple thing to do but it’s always much harder than I anticipate. Having been met with new challenges during this past year of my life, it was refreshing and encouraging to give my heart this kind of attention. I hadn’t realized how important it was for me to have these desires identified and how strongly just knowing about them can effect my daily life. The pilgrimage gave me a new ability to tap into a powerful part of myself that changes the way I live.  --Lesley House

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I will come back to these lessons again and again

The R&A pilgrimage has taught me to let my dreams run wild and to believe the impossible.  The pilgrimage came at a time where I was moving forward with one of my dreams.  Anytime we do that, obstacles come at us, other opinions try to discourage us, and the many unknowns can cause so much self-doubt!  What I used to do was feel the desire to shrink back in fear. But not anymore. These 5 weeks were about rising up, believing in the dreams we hold deep inside, and knowing we have them for a reason and they are meant to be shared.  Morgan’s outpouring of encouragement, inspiration, and hope in this pilgrimage gave me such endurance to press into difficult spaces.  The heart and soul Morgan poured into this pilgrimage is something I cherish.  I will come back to these lessons throughout the rest of my life when I need that reminder to pursue Romance and Adventure because it is always worth it. – Allison LaBianca