Unveil your sexy wholeness


What if you could leave behind fear, guilt & shame and unveil your hidden wholeness and feminine wisdom?

It's time to trade religious baggage for sacred inner radiance.

You know you are made for life to the full, so why the heck aren't you experiencing it?

Oh, yeah.

Two millenia of repressed sexuality and the constant judgement of your Inner Church Lady.

Good news:

Feeling sexy and free is way more possible than your current Inner Church Lady makes you feel. 



And..it's totally not your fault that you feel so shut down in this area, given these messages...


"Sex is dirty and sensual women are dangerous women." 


"It's a woman's duty to satisfy her husband in bed."


"To be sexy you have to be young and have big boobs."

Um, No.


Not long ago I polled my community on instagram asking them what kind of messages they received growing up about sex and being a sexy woman. So many voices echoed these experiences:

I grew up being told I was responsible for a man’s purity. Basically what I wore and how I acted around men better not be sexy or desirable, or else I was causing them to stumble. SO MUCH SHAME came from being told this as a young teenager. It’s very hard not to feel self conscious or shameful when I know I look and feel sexy.

— Sophie

I was told if I waited for sex our sex life would be amazing, but our wedding night was anything but a fairytale. I feel so lost.

— Jessica

My upbringing told me it was inappropriate for me to dress sexy...so I didn’t feel like I had the right to be sexy.

— Diana

The church told me I’m not allowed to be sexy because I have the power to make men stumble and fall and lust. Instead of seeing this power as an empowering thing, I felt shame for my body and the power it had and starting hiding it and calling it modesty 😤

— Allie

These voices make one thing super clear...


It's not your fault. 


Our culture has sex way wrong.

No one makes it to their marriage bed truly free. Even if you didn't grow up with a ton of religious conditioning around sex, we're all living in a sexually traumatized culture, and all of us have been wounded by it.

Purity ring or not,  none of us got healthy messages around what it means to be sexually and spiritually whole. 

  • Instead of being taught how much pleasure our female body is made for, we were taught that sex is dangerous and women aren't as sexual as men.


  • Instead of being given the knowledge and tools to intimately connect with our own body, we were conditioned from the beginning to give all our good stuff away, before we've fully owned it and enjoyed it ourselves.


  • Instead of being taught how to keep passion and desire alive after the honeymoon is over and our lifestyle changes (ahem, kids!) we were left to silently drift apart and fall out of love.


  • Instead of being told stories about the sacred feminine and how to connect to the soft, gentle divine within our own female bodies, we heard only only male pronouns and it left us with a sense that our experience was of less value than a man's.


No one told us that our sexuality actually belonged to us...

In fact, they told us just the opposite. No wonder why it feels so hard to even know what it means to feel sexy on our own terms. 


But we can't give up because...

Feeling sexy & Whole is the key to everything else.


It's the key to our confidence and emotional well-being.

It's the key to our deepest levels of connection and intimacy in relationship.

It's the key to feeling alive and fulfilled as women.

Take a moment to slow down your breath and check-in with your body...

Is this resonating with you?

Your own inner wisdom isn't completely silent and deep in your bones you may already feel it:

Reclaiming your sexuality is the the ultimate healing.

It's the end of the rabbit trail of self-help.

It's true transformation.

It's the holy grail of freedom and life to the full.

It's the secret code to true intimacy in your sacred relationship and feeling divinity in all things.


Because our sexuality is at the core of who we are. We are creative beings.

Sex isn't just about intercourse. It's about life-force, creativity, vitality, aliveness, radiance.

How safe and free we feel in our own bodies at this deep level affects everything-- from how we give and receive love, to how we express ourselves and honor our gifts; from how we embody our values and our faith and how worthy we feel to create the kind of life that inspires us.

Let me tell you how I know...


My Story

I grew up believing everyone found their own love story and lived happily ever after.

In my heart, I was always a hopeless romantic.

But in my body, I was often shut-down and afraid.

Out in the world I felt unsafe: men with their wanting eyes; women with their judgement.

Shame was the feeling I was most familiar with...

 I got the message that the best thing I could be as a woman was pretty and nice.

Pretty for the boys, because my value was dependent on my looks...

 And nice for the girls, because my worth was dependent on being liked.

Striving to fit in to those perfect little boxes all the time hurt.

I felt empty, lost, and so disconnected from who I really was.

At 15 I was raped and never grieved it with anyone. I believed it was my fault.

The boys that raped me were the same boys that brought me to their Youth Group.  I remember feeling like such a fool. 

I didn't grow up in the church and even though my heart longed to belong to God, this experience made it clear that I was not worthy.

All I felt was shame for having a woman's body.

I buried that shame deep and life went on, but my heart was broken and for the next 15 years I searched everywhere to find the part of me that was lost.


I drank and ate to numb the pain.

I slept around carelessly, because it was easier to betray my own body than to stand up for myself.

I self-sabotaged at every turn.

I didn't know why I acted the way I did or why I felt so lost and unworthy of everything-- even a relationship with God.

Then I became a mother and I committed to becoming a stronger, healthier version of myself for my son, because it was just going to be me raising him.

Motherhood was the beginning of my redemption because it restored a sense of sacredness and goodness to my body.

My flesh wasn't all shame, it was also life! It gave life to a little boy!

When I fell in love and got married to an amazing man who adopted my son

I believed that our redemption story would rescue me from my past and save me from that haunting sense of unworthiness.

But it only took me so far.

When I first found my faith through my husband, I thru myself into church and becoming a "Godly Woman."

My relationship with Jesus felt so good, but I never could get on board with all of the religious messaging I began to hear around sex, sexuality and the roles of a woman.

I still carried the memory of what happened to me at 15 and how I was the one who wore the Scarlet Letter, because they were "good Christians" and I was just a girl who wanted attention. 

Sunday morning made me feel less empowered as a woman instead of more.

Despite trying everything that church-culture, pop-culture, and self-help gave me as answers, I still carried so much shame inside and it was starting to affect everything, including my marriage.

So I decided to ask a very simple question:


What does it take to be free from shame?

Free from fear? 

Free from relentless self-doubt and the pain of never feeling like who I am and what I do is enough?

One day I thought I heard an answer from high above and deep within:

Just breathe with me.

Those four words were all I got, but they were enough to catapult me on a new embodied approach to my own healing that would guide me toward wholeness and true freedom.

What I didn't know then but know now after years of study, application, and training in the field of mind-body-spirit integration, is this:

Our own body is where healing and tranformation begins.

Our body holds our secrets and waits for us to return to find what we lost.

Through ancient breathwork techniques and modern embodiment practices, combined with and a new understanding of how to nourish myself with compassion and pleasure, I was able to recover my hidden wholeness and develop real self-love and freedom.

It didn't happen overnight, but it did happen:

The dark shame I lived with all my life was alchemized into joyful light.

4 things became crystal clear:

1. I was not broken. My wholeness was waiting for me underneath all the other layers.

2. My sexuality belonged to me. Learning how to own it and love it was the best gift I could give myself and my husband.

3. Delight (pleasure!) was a nourishing spiritual practice that I desperately needed in order to feel worthy of rest and self-care.

4.  I had to feel it in order to heal it. Talking about my issues wasn't enough. I had to drop deeper into my body and release the trauma that was stored there. 

All this wisdom had always been within me, I just didn't know how to access it before because no one taught me how.

Through simple breathwork, sensual healing movements, and powerful 5-sense activation practices,  I met my own inner Sophia, and the more I embodied her, the freer I became.





Sophia Embodied

a transformational 10-week program of one-on-one coaching to uncover your own feminine wisdom and master the tools to live a life of wholeness, freedom and love.

I walk you through the same exact process that gave me what nothing else could: true self-love and total freedom in the bedroom and beyond.

Through a tri-part approach encompassing mind, body and energy practices I will gently guide you to the deepest layers of your body and mind where clarity reigns and true healing and personal transformation unfold.

Using the Three Principles of Feminine Wholeness we will customize your very own daily focus, daily practice, and daily action to bring you closer to your goals.

You will Master Your Mind, Body & Emotions

  • Belong to yourself and feel safe in your body
  • Become the very best steward of your own emotional destinty
  • Love every lost piece of you back into wholeness

If you are ready to drop the shame, return to wholeness and get to know your own sexy feminine wisdom, I invite you to fill out an the application to the Sophia Embodied 1-on-1 Program.

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I am amazed at the power I now have to love and care for myself, and love my partner better, from my own wholeness. This is priceless.

Barbara G.

i have never experienced anything like this with another coach or counselor

 Morgan has equipped me with the tools I need to experience peace at any moment, despite my circumstances, and also to find the wisdom I desperately have been searching for to heal from the wounds I have been carrying around with me for over half of my lifetime.  

She taught me how to drop into my body and my own deep wisdom through the breath and find answers when I am feeling stuck or there is conflict in my relationship.  This is something I will practice my whole life long! 

I am amazed at the power I now have to love and care for myself and then love my partner better, from my own wholeness.  This is priceless.  

I have let go of the belief that my partner needs to change or heal in the way I imagined he did in order for me to feel whole, vibrant and alive. 

-Barbara G.


...just what I needed to begin finding and loving my true self and to enter into a life of freedom. 

Alisha H.

just what i needed to enter into a life of freedom

Working with Morgan kick started my healing journey. I definitely grew up in a culture of shame. It wasn't intentionally shaming, but a lot of things were never talked about which created shame through silence. I feel like I put shame on myself in a lot of ways because I didn't know better.

Morgan provided a safe, loving environment for me to begin connecting with myself and healing old wounds and past shame, which gave me the freedom to pursue the kinds of sex and intimacy I wanted.

The practices she taught me and the guiding she gave me was just what I needed to begin finding and loving my true self and to enter into a life of freedom. 

-Alisha H.


Here are some of the things women begin to experience through the Sophia Embodied Program:

  • Inner-peace and freedom (because the war within is over-- hallulujah!)
  • Deeper connection to your partner because now you have a deeper connection with yourself.
  • Greater alignment and sense of purpose because now you are clear on who you are and why you are here.
  • Confidence and joy being you because you know you are whole and the shame you once felt has been dissolved into self-love.
  •  A sense of playfulness and fun in the bedroom instead of resentment.

And because the mind, the spirit, and the body are all connected, women also report these physical benefits too:

  • More energy and a stronger immune system because you are no longer exhausting your body in worry or insecurity.
  • A greater inner vitality because the blocks around shame have been removed and life-force can now flow.
  • Having the best body ever because the unconscious drive to self-sabotage is no longer running the show.
  • Better/multiple orgasms and no more pain during sex because your nervous system now feels safe in pleasure instead of triggered by it.
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I used to believe that my body is broken, doomed to never enjoy sex. I thought it would always be painful. So not true!

Kristina G.

I thought I was doomed never to enjoy sex

I've used to believe that my body is broken, doomed to not enjoy sex. I thought it would always be painful. So not true! I know now that my desires are indeed okay and wonderful, and that I can live healthily and happily, enjoying sex and intimacy with my husband (and self pleasure!!) I recommend one-on-one coaching with Morgan to anyone who needs a guide for navigating the field of healthy sexuality. She is so full of understanding and love and the space she holds for all the tricky sticky stuff is so healing. 

-Kristina G.

Can you justify investing in one-on-one coaching?

10 weeks of one-on-one work is an investment of time and resources.

Most women don't ever make this level of investment in themselves, even when they acknowledge that shame is shutting them down in the bedroom, and their lack of self-love is affecting the quality of their life.

So what's going to change?

If you only did coaching for yourself, it would be more than worth it.

And if you are married and your relationship is lacking the connection and intimacy it once had, the coaching you do on your own is a gift to both of you.

A better question is...

What will it cost you if you don't invest?

Add up how much you spend on fast fashion, Target trips for toilet paper that turn into mini-shopping sprees, and eating out and you may be shocked at how much money you are spending on things that aren't changing anything deep down.

Investing in inner-work can feel scary because we are so conditioned for quick fixes.  We struggle to believe things can actually be different for us so we keep choosing the quick hits as temporary relief from our pain. 

But we know where that gets us... 


So if the "normal" ways of doing things aren't working for you anymore, and you're ready for a better solution, coaching may be the best investment you make all year.

Let's talk.

I'll tell you honestly if I think I am a good fit for you and whether or not this seems like the right time for you to do this personal deep dive. 

After you fill out the application form below we can get you on my calendar for a free 60-min Sexy Sophia Mindset Session where you'll come away with greater clarity on your desires and a clear plan to go deeper. 

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I fought feeling like a didn't deserve the investment in myself. However, I am so glad I did. Morgan is absolutely authentic and her passion is contagious. She is a gifted teacher, sincere in her words and I would gladly make the investment al over again.

 Kate P.

i fought feeling like i didn't deserve it

I knew something needed to change, but I wasn’t completely sure how to begin...I began realizing how many places in my heart (& body) I had neglected. I avoided anything sensual and allowed past hurts to become so deeply buried I had begun to accept them as simply a part of who I would always be.

I fought feeling like I didn’t deserve the investment in myself. However, I'm so glad I did. Morgan is absolutely authentic and her passion is contagious. She is a gifted teacher, sincere in her words and I would gladly make the investment all over again

My session with Morgan allowed me to experience practices that cultivated the delight and feminine wholeness I so deeply craved. Morgan created a beautiful, nurturing environment for me to feel supported, loved, and free.  I can’t wait for you to experience these amazing truths with her!

-Kate P.



    Want a peak inside the program?

    What makes Sophia Embodied unique?

    Unlike traditional counseling or therapy, Sophia Embodied 1-on-1 coaching tenderly takes you deep into your body where your unconscious and subconscious mind store all your memory, emotion, limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior. 

    Working with the deepest layers of the primal brain we are able to get to the root of the issues quicker and bring you results faster than cognitive approaches alone.

    Through ancient practices of transmission and compassionate presence, cutting-edge trauma healing techniques, and transformational neuroscience principles, the old residue of fear, guilt, and shame gets integrated into love. 

    The Sophia Embodied approach treats healing as a love-story, not a battle.  The process is gentle, loving, soft, deep and everlasting.

    How our sessions work

    We will meet via Zoom for our 60-min sessions 1/week for three to four months. Through a specific roadmap I'll guide you through each week, we'll uncover and restore key aspects of your hidden wholeness that have been lost or fragmented.  At the end of every session I'll leave you with a customized practice and specific self-care homework that will reinforce the insights you gained during that session and further support your desired results overall.

    My commitment to you

    As an Integrated Sex, Love and Relationship coach I am trained to work with mind, body and energy in a tri-part system that makes this process of developing real self-love and total freedom holistic and effective for deep and lasting transformation.

    Unlike most counselors and therapist, many of whom haven't ever done this level of transformative work around their own sexuality and who carry (without realizing it) their own judgements and shame, I've personally gone through every single process I'll be sharing with you.

    My personal dedication to this work is also my dedication to you. 

    As your coach, I can be completely transparent with you and share candidly and vulnerably from my own story about how to overcome any challenges and obstacles you may face along the way to achieving your goal.

    I am for you.

    Finding healing, freedom, power and joyful expression in our sexuality is the key to finding healing, freedom, power and joyful expression in everything.

    I wholeheartedly believe this because I've experienced it as a living reality in myself and in the women I've partnered with in 1-on-1 coaching.

    If you are done with the old beliefs that are keeping you stuck in the same old patterns, and you are ready to embody real self love for total freedom, I invite you to apply for the Sophia Embodied program now.



    Moving forward, I want you to feel that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain...



    One time I promised a client of mine a pair of the Stuart Weitzman boots if she didn't feel more empowered around her goals after working together. 

    She said it was easier for her to buy things for herself than to invest in herself because deep down she wasn't sure if she could changeWell, I believed in her (and knew her love of Weitzman) and so I gave her a guarantee she couldn't refuse. 

    I'll do the same for you, too, because...

    Every woman needs someone who believes in her...

    ...someone who will be there without fail to offer her professional accountability and loving support.

    Let me do this for you so you can finally achieve what you deeply desire, and remember who you already are...

    I'm here to deliver you results and lasting transformation. 

    If that's not what you are getting from our work together, I want you to be able to get it somewhere else.  So, if having shown up for yourself 100% percent, as I promise to show up for you, and using the tools and at-home practices I give you to help you get results around your personal goals, you don't feel any different, I will give you 100% of your investment back.


    I'm finally embodying the truth I have always know.

    April H.

    i'm finally embodying the truth i have always known

    Something profoundly resonated in my heart when I stumbled across Morgan and her work. It felt felt like a breathe of fresh air just as I was about to dive into a season of profound change and upheaval in my life.  I have always had an unwavering faith, and a ton of head knowledge, but have struggled with a real disconnect between my head and my heart. I've known for a long time that shame and fear were hurting me, despite believing and saying all the "right" things. I just started my coaching adventure with Morgan after attending one of her Sophia Retreats. Doing the hard and vulnerable work through one-on-one coaching is helping me physically, mentally, and spiritually to finally shift shame and fear from my soul and embody the truth I have always known.  - April


    I used to think I wasn't "allowed" to wear a two piece...I am the wife of a pastor and I am learning to embrace my sexuality, to own my needs and wants, to enjoy the playfulness and intimacy I have avoided

    Carly B.

    If Morgan announces openings for one-on-one coaching with her again, JUMP on it.

    I used to think I wasn't "allowed" to wear a two piece, stomach baring swimsuit because I hadn't worked out enough to "earn" the right. I used to think my soft and squishy places, laden with stretch marks, veins and other skin "imperfections" should be covered up. I used to think my body was weak and girl-ish. Through working with Morgan one-one-one (I could go on and on about what an angel Morgan is, how she listens with grace and challenges with love and joy), I am embracing new ways of thinking, new patterns of behavior. I am treating myself with tenderness, compassion, awe and wonder. 

    My body is soft AND strong. I have carried four babies in my belly, and three additional loves in my arms as their foster Mama. My marks and scars show where I've been, my wrinkles show years of laughter and joy. My body is feminine, wonderful and mature. I am the wife of a pastor and I am learning to embrace my sexuality, to own my needs and wants, to enjoy the playfulness and intimacy I have avoided. I am learning to accept the dark and hurtful places of my past, understanding they have shaped me profoundly, YET I am bravely swinging wide the door of my soul to let light and love saturate.

    If Morgan announces openings for one-on-one coaching with her again, JUMP on it.

    -Carly B.

    Get Started Now

    Filling out the application form is the first step. From there, you'll get set up time with me for a 45-60 minute deep dive Sexy Sophia Mindset Session to see if we are a good fit,  to answer all your questions, and most importantly, to start you on your path to living free from shame and radiant in wholeness.