Morgan Day Cecil

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Why I started teaching women about jade egg practices for feminine wholeness

I didn’t set out to become an expert on feminine wholeness. I never dreamed I would be teaching women how to use a Jade Egg...

But all my life I have had one desire...

To live a life of true romance and meaningful adventure.

Blame it on Disney, or Hollywood, but I wanted LOVE more than anything and romance and adventure were how I was going to get it!

As I grew up that desire lead me down some questionable paths...

I didn’t know yet what true romance and meaningful adventure meant for me, so I attempted to find romance and adventure fairytale and Hollywood style...

  • I dated handsome men from foreign countries.
  • I put all my focus on how I looked.
  • I rode on the back of motorcycles and danced on tables at bars.
  • I got a job as a flight attendant and spent the weekend with men I just met.
  • I did drugs in fancy hotels and seedy bars.
  • I became a chameleon, able to act however I needed to act to liked and loved.

Some of these experiences gave me a rush of feeling alive. But more often than not they left me depressed, lost and lonely.

I was always looking for romance and adventure outside of me, and my sexuality as a woman played a big roll in that.

  • I treated my body like a lure for men instead of as a temple for me and the Spirit.

  • I doubted my intuition and worth and looked for validation in the opinions of others.

  • In the bedroom, I never focused on my own pleasure, instead, I focused on performing a roll or fulfilling my "duty" as a wife.

It wasn’t until I found the ONE and married him that I realized what I had been doing to myself all my life... and how much it hurt.

Like I said...all my life I wanted love, but I never sought love from within.

I was absolutely convinced love had to come from the outside.

Even when I fell in love with God and started going to church for the first time in my 30s, the messages I heard strangely seemed to fit the messages I had been hearing all my life from the secular world...

  • That I was not enough to be lovable on my own (the world said I needed a man, the church said I needed Jesus).

  • That my body as a female was a temptation to men (the world said, use it to my advantage! The church said cover it up because it’s shameful).

  • That my own needs and desires didn’t matter (the world said pleasing others was the most important thing! The church said, be selfless!

  In my early 20s and 30s I wasn’t even interested in learning how to cultivate self-love.

Self-care was never a part of my vocabulary.

And then some years passed, and although I wasn’t making the same “bad” decisions anymore (I was happily married, a responsible mom, and a regular at church), something still felt “off.”

I still felt stuck with the same pain and sadness and worry and anxiety I had before husband, children and Jesus.

So I started asking the question:

 What does it take to be free?

Like, really free.

I didnt' want to just hear people talk about freedom in a spiritual sense, I wanted to see people living in freedom and experience it for myself in an embodied sense.

And so it was that big question, and my willingness to go on a wild goose chase to find the answers, that eventually lead me to the work I do now as a holistic sex, love and relationship educator. 

Here is how it all went down:

The question what does it take to be free?

lead me to asking,

why don’t I currently feel free?

Which, upon reflection, made me realize a whole host of things:

  • Sexual trauma made it hard for me to trust love (even God’s Love).

  • Sex and body shame made me want to disconnect from myself because I felt so disgusted with pleasure and sexuality.

  • Pressure to be perfect made me feel like I wasn’t worthy, or good enough, to believe in my dreams.

  • Subtle messaging about women not being fit for leadership in the church made me feel like I didn’t belong and like my voice didn’t matter.

 I realized...

  • I didn’t know how to “own” myself as a woman.

  • Instead of being taught how to honor my own body's wisdom, I was taught how to neglect my own body’s wisdom and question my feminine intuition at every turn.

  • I had been looking to everyone else for approval and validation-- especially people of traditional authority-- to know if I was “okay.”

  • I had been waiting my circumstances or other people to make me feel happy.

  • I had bought the lie that I needed to be x,y,z richer, prettier, smarter, or holier before I could feel free.

I didn’t know where to begin with all of this, but I followed a hunch that healing my relationship to myself, my body, my sexuality and my spirituality was the direction I needed to go.


So I went there.


One bread crumb at a time I followed the clues to my own healing.

  • Yoga lead me into meditation.
  • Meditation lead me into breathwork.
  • Breathwork lead me into Tantra.
  • Tantra lead me things…

including a 600 hour training that drew upon modern neuroscience and trauma therapy, ancient wisdom traditions, and the most effective therapeutic methodologies around how we heal, integrate, transform and empower our experience as women...

which taught me all about the Jade Egg!

Along with my newfound, embodied freedom I found the gift of...

  • Permission: I can actually validate myself!
  • Pleasure: It safe to feel good!
  • Playfulness: I don't have to take myself so seriously all the time!
  • Honor: I am worthy just as I am!
  • Power: I have a voice and I get to express it!
  • Bliss: God is here in every cell!


Somewhere along my path I read this quote by Rumi and stuck with me:

“Your task is not to seek love, but merely seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. “

All earnest spiritual paths lead to this wisdom: The thing you desperately hoped to find out there, is already right here inside of you.

For me, realizing that the romance and adventure I was looking for was already inside me, set me on a new path of... 

embodied feminine wholeness.

It was clear that if I ever wanted to create a life of true romance and meaningful adventure-- and share romance and adventure my husband (which I desperately did!)-- I would first have to say yes to experiencing it in my own body.

Like many women, I wasted so many years of my life judging, condemning, hating, hurting, neglecting, doubting, shaming and ignoring my own body in my attempts to be free.

Now I’m walking a path called Love and I’m learning how to love and liberate all parts of my body, mind, and soul into wholeness.

Supporting other women on this path is a great honor and delight. 

I decided to create a course (Body of Bliss) to give women access to the tools and practices that have made such profound impact on me because I heard from so many women who desired this kind of freedom.

Here is what I want to leave you with from my story:

You are made for romance and adventure.

You are the Queen of Wholeness.

I discovered this for myself and you can, too, through simple and specific practices of feminine embodiment.

Your original essence is Love.

Your body’s original design is to experience bliss.

No matter what your journey as a woman has looked like,

you can return to the truth of who you are.

  • You can restore your connection to yourself.
  • You can redeem the shame heaped on you from others.
  • You can reclaim your sexuality for yourself.
  • You can remember who you are.

If this is what you want, then I invite you to join the program I created to help you get there…

Body of Bliss

Body of Bliss is a step-by-step healing sensuality and jade egg course to experience greater freedom and wholeness in your body.

It contains 5 modules with over 20+ videos to help you learn how to connect to yourself in a gentle, fun, and sacred way.’s yours for a lifetime...
because I believe it's important that you can

  • go at your own pace.
  • learn to follow your own intuition.
  • return to the course again and again for deeper and deeper immersions.
  • have access to the practical tools that have lead so many women to greater liberation.
  • heal old wounds it in the comfort and safety of your own sacred space.
  • feel that it’s truly safe to let all parts of who you belong, no matter what season of life you are in-- married, single, mothering, or empty-nesting.

You can sign up here.

and I hope you do! 

Enrollment closes April 13th. 

To your freedom and wholeness and bliss,

p.s. I created Body of Bliss based on the exact practices that taught me how to liberate myself from all the old beliefs and wounds around womanhood and sexuality. 

Body of Bliss is a step-by-step online course that takes a woman from disconnect and knowing nothing about her lady parts (or the Jade Egg) to a deep connection with her own body and this powerful ancient practice of feminine wholeness.

Created specifically for beginners to the Jade Egg, through video and guided audio practices, you will not only learn the transformative practices for better pelvic floor health and vitality, but you will also learn the essential embodiment practices and breath-centered meditations for feminine wholeness and sacred sensuality. 

In her words....

This course will unravel the lies that you have placed around yourself and reveal the truth of what has always been real and true about you. You are given tools to rewire the synapses in your brain so that you have different options to take off the shelf to be present and a participant in your life instead of life just happening to you. This is a beautiful journey that you get to walk through! If you are interested in freedom and a key to walking forward in your life feeling like the sexy goddess that you are then you are in the right place! - Amy

I started the course because I knew what I wanted to achieve but didn't know how to achieve it. I'm still on my journey, but Morgan provides so many bite sized tools that can be used anytime, anywhere once you learn them! It's not a course that has to be followed step by step, which is so practical. You can truly take what you need, when you need it. Integrating these tools into daily life is incredibly easy and valuable. - Kate

This course will change your life! I have always felt that I was the only one struggling with my sexuality and the feeling was bubbling up over time. Growing up I believed that a woman could be sexy or intelligent, driven or emotional, hard or soft, but not both ideas. I chose intelligence, hardness and drive over the softer aspects for a long time. This choice led me further and further away from my soft sensual side, my feminine light. Over the past years, I have been on a path to recover my sensuality, my sexuality, my light, my love and acceptance for my whole self. I have followed Morgan on Instagram for a while, listened to her podcasts and found out about her workshops from a friend. When she announced Body of Bliss, I knew it was the next step for me and it was at the perfect time. A new year, new growth. I knew this was out of my comfort zone, but I needed this, I wanted to dig deep but needed guidance. Morgan is a saint. From the beginning she made me feel like part of her tribe, smiling, laughing, moving with freedom and was expressing everything I had been feeling for years. This course is full of amazing materials that will challenge you to dig deep, make you laugh, make you cry, strip down shame, yell, scream and freely move your body, all to bring you back to wholeness. If you are intrigued by this in even the slightest way, do it! You deserve to be whole, to feel bliss, to reconnect to your body and your feminine divine. Let your light shine! - Kailey

Start your Body of Bliss Journey Now