Morgan Day Cecil

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Summer Adventure: Road Trip Traveling Tips

My sister, who has 3 young boys and no time to read a newsletter, recommended I record these thoughts for you, so you don't have to miss out if, like her, you don't have to read them!  Here's the audio version, if that fits your lifestyle better.

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4 Travel Tips | June 27, 2017


Summer, for me, has always meant adventure.

When I was growing up my family would spend one month every summer traveling.

We road tripped around the entire United States, living in a trailer. We camped around Europe in a motorhome. We cruised the Baltic Sea. We went on Safari in Africa. We climbed Machu Pichu. We road rickshaws in Singapore.

Traveling was our family thing.

And it's still a top value of mine and my husband too!

(It's the reason we decided to live in Spain and explore Europe for 3 months last year instead of buying a house. It's the reason we choose a whimsically minimalist lifestyle and keep our stuff to a minimum).

I LOVE traveling...

But, when I'm traveling, certain things tend to go out the window, that I don't like.

I have to be really intentional to make sure my body still feels good through all the change that traveling brings.

(Because body likes routine).

I also have to be really intentional to take care of my emotional, spiritual and financial well-being while on the road, too.

(Because it's easy for all of that to fly out the window if I'm not being mindful!)

Today I'm sharing some things that helps me stay grounded and feeling good when I'm away from home and my normal routine. Whether you are flying in a big jet across an ocean, or packing up your car for a family reunion, I hope these tips help you feel a bit more whole so that you can get the most out of your adventures...


First thing to be disrupted is my digestion. Any one else have this problem? Not fun. I used to just count on feeling off for 3-5 days, thinking there was nothing to be done. I started using essential oils to help in that department and it does really help. A drop of Digest Zen from doTERRA in my water bottle helps my tummy get back in balance much faster than before. You can also use fennel essential oil on yourself and your kids. (Just dilute with a carrier oil, like coconut or almond, and add a few drops of your E.O. to rub counter-clockwise on belly).


Whether your building a house, planning a wedding, or traveling, things generally end up costing twice as much as you think they will! We love eating out and I definitely have "splurge" mentality when I'm in "vacation mode." One thing Ronnie and I started doing to stretch the bottom line is to share meals when we eat out (our kids, too!). What we love about doing this is the bill is HALF of what it normally would be, and we don't feel gross because we ate too much (American-sized portions are generally plenty enough to feed 2). It also leaves room in the budget and our bellies to stop for ice-cream, or fun local snacks like the cronuts in Long Beach.

Eating Clean

Whether it's the cronuts in Southern California or the churros in Spain there is lots of temptation NOT to eat clean. But my body NEEDS some greens. Our normal routine includes lemon water and a green drink, but when you are living out of a duffle bag and sleeping somewhere new ever other night, this is not always possible. We actually bought a heavy duty converter for our car so we could use our Vitamix on the road (haha!). In our ideal vision we saw ourselves stopping off at farmer's markets, buying fresh produce, and blending our green drinks. In reality, we are rolling into Costco, buying cheap gas, and eating at the In & Outs (#keepingitreal). A compromise for us between perfect clean eating and fast-food refueling is blending up a nutrient dense protein + greens drink you can make from a powder (no blender required). We like the Vega brand for its plant-based proteins and because we can get it at Costco. We also eat a lot of apples because they are the easiest snack and they are "nature's toothbrush." ;)

Sense of Self

Ooh, this is a big one, especially if your travels involve visiting family. Sometimes traveling brings you into a greater sense of self, when the travel you are doing connects you to your soul (Italy for me!). Other times (especially family vacations) you can start to feel like you are being pushed back into a box that is too small for you. I used to feel this way when visiting extended family because who I am now is not the same person they remember me to be. To keep my sense of true self I make a practice of getting up earlier than everyone else and spending at least 1 hour alone, reading, yoga-ing, meditating, praying. If I can have my quiet time outside, it's even better because nature does a great job at getting us out of our heads (where the old stories live) and into our bodies (where we can connect to, and offer others, our loving presence).

What are your travel tips? I'd love to hear the things that help you stay sane and feeling good when you are on the road.

We're on our way to Arizona today, after a quick stop in Palm Spring and an overnight in Joshua Tree to show our kids the desert stars!

Grace & Peace,



p.s. I have thoroughly LOVED our time in SoCal. The sun has felt so good in my body and soul.


July 8-13:Sophia Embodied Italy Retreat (Full)

Late August: Fall One-on-One Coaching Sessions Begin (Get on waitlist now)

September 10-15: Nine REVOLUTION: Vermont

September 24-27: The Sophia Experience: Palm Springs (3 spots left)

A few of my favorite traveling quotes:“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” — Susan Sontag

“As a woman I have no country. As a woman my country is the whole world.” — Virginia Woolf

"Not all who wander are lost." — J.R.R Tolkien