Crazy Trust {Mini-Pilgrimage Day 4}
Hello Sexy Pilgrims!
Welcome to Day 4 of the Romance & Adventure Mini-Pilgrimage! If you are just joining us, you can find all the previous days here. Get ready for a fun/funny practice!
This world has its pants on backwards.
Most carry their values and knowledge in a jug
that has a big hole in it.
Thus having a clear grasp of the situation
if I am asked anything these days
I just laugh.
- Kabir
I have heard it said that those who can laugh easily know God best (like the poet Kabir!). I don’t think this is because they think that life is a joke, or that it has no meaning. I think this is because they know that God is Love and Highest Love is something they can fully trust.
A few years ago my husband and I were on a romantic and adventurous trip in Italy. On day 5 of our 15-day trip all of our stuff was stolen. Laptop, passports, camera, lenses, GoPro, all my make-up, journals you name it. The bandits of Napoli made out, nearly $10,000 in all. They even got my husband's bible that he had been carrying around with him since he was 17.
It was so sucky. The night it happened we cried in our crappy motel room and wondered if we should just go home and never travel again. We were so close to retreating within and abandoning our spirit of romance and adventure altogether.
But we didn't! (Thank God!)
My husband began praying instead. We both fell asleep to a comforting father-like voice on the YouVersion bible app reading Isaiah over us, and we woke up feeling strangely okay.
We cried and thanked God it was just stuff, and it was in that vulnerable place of feeling both weak and powerless that we got to remember what it felt like to be held by a power greater than our passports and credit cards.
Being powerless is not a feeling many of us in the modern world pursue, because it's not a comfortable feeling to feel. We like to pretend everything is in our control, even when we know deep down it is not.
When my husband and I lost all our stuff, there was that knee-jerk reaction to go and get it back somehow. But there was nothing we could do about our stuff. It was gone, long gone.
Of course we were tempted to shake our fists at the Universe and ask Why us??? But what could would that do? The illusion of control had already been stripped away and we could see our choice pretty clearly...
We could choose fear, or we could choose love.
And after we thought about it for a minute, why wouldn't we choose love?
We still had each other. We still had 10 days left in Italy, without kids! We still had the best gelato and pizza in the world to enjoy!
We knew we were free to feel happy and grateful, if we wanted to.
And we did want to. So we decided to trust in Love instead of doubt it, and that decision marked our life and our marriage from then on out.
I'm not advocating for bad luck. I hope when you go to Italy you do not get all your stuff stolen. But if you do, or if any other number of unwanted things happen, know this:
LOVE IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER. Come what may, you can choose to love more not less.
The world has its pants on backward, but not you. You don't have to fall for the temptation to live your life bitter, angry and afraid, you can choose love and be free to trust even when things seem out of control.
Even though it was awful and scary to lose all of our stuff, my husband and I actually had an amazing trip. I'd even say our trip was so amazing because we lost all of our stuff. It was definitely more adventurous, and for the way we clung to and comforted each other, it became even more romantic too.
Today's Practice
Laugh out loud. On purpose!
(Watch this if you are wondering what what's so funny!)
So...Where is it hard for you to just laugh? To give up control?
Where is there an opportunity for you to just throw your hands up in the air and say I don’t know! And that's okay!
Where is it hard to be vulnerable and trust that a power greater than you has things taken care of?
Bring your loving attention to this place. Spend your 5 minutes of stillness bringing in a sense of humor. Not a heavy, cynical sense of humor that says “My life is a joke and happy people suck!” Bring in a good, healthy, adventurous humor that says “Love is always the answer, and if I can’t see it that way yet, I’ll work on not taking myself so seriously."
(Or just think of me clapping my hands like a seal. That gif should make it easier to laugh.)
The next time you want to judge, critique, curse, complain or condemn, pause. Breathe out with a goofy smile, and laugh out loud. Interrupt your circuitry with a good Ha Ha Ha.
Remember that when we lose our sense of humor it’s usually because we are afraid. When we hurt others and sabotage ourself, fear is running the show. But when we laugh we say deep down to our nervous system, “Love is always the answer. I can trust Love to be in charge.”
When my husband and I teach about sex we teach our clients the phrase, "laughter lubricates" to help them remember how powerful and useful laughter is in creating a foundation of trust and intimacy. Laughter works that way in every area of life. It's amazing.
Today, let LOVE be the answer. Invite in more laughter. Watch a funny movie. Do some Laughter Yoga. See if you can't revisit a memory that frustrates you from a more hilarious perspective.
See you back here tomorrow, a little lighter and more jolly for Day 5.
Grace & Peace,
p.s. I dare you to post a laughter gif or goofy pic of yourself on IG today. Tag @morgandaycecil @romanceandadventure #RApilgrimage so I can laugh with you and cheer you on!
CORE TRUTH: Love is always the answer.
Meet Your Guide
Hi! I'm Morgan. I wanted to share a little about me for those who are new here! (Welcome!)
I come from a personal and family history of anxiety and depression. That dark world almost swallowed me whole, but it didn't; I found the path of romance, adventure and feminine wholeness instead.
By way of yoga and meditation and overcoming my own struggles with womanhood- from sex and food, relationships and to self-worth, motherhood and career-- I found my way into my current work as an Integrated Feminine Wholeness Coach specializing in Sex, Love & Relationships.
I am so in love with this job where I get to partner with incredible woman (like you!) to help them FEEL in their bodies and soul what they are made to feel. I hope this Mini-Pilgrimage gives you a taste of what's possible when you come home to yourself.
My all time favorite quote is "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." That sums up the message of Jesus to me, perfectly. It's always and forever about Love.
Fun facts: My husband and I sometimes do a podcast called Sexy Tuxedo Jesus. I've held many fun jobs including flight attendant and pole-dancing instructor. I'm a mom of two. We live in Portland, Or. But I escape to warm places as often as possible. My favorite place is Italy and I'll be there with 9 of you in July for the Sophia Embodied Retreat! That one is sold out but I'll be opening up a September Sophia Retreat in Palm Springs soon.
I'm so happy you are here. And I'm always just on the other side of these emails, so don't hesitate to hit "reply" and say hello! I look forward to it!
You can also say "hi!" on instagram or facebook.