Say, what?
Yes! Hear me out…
If one of these stories is currently running the show…
“I’m not sexy enough.”
“My sexuality doesn’t belong to me.”
“It’s not safe to be seen.”
“Women will judge me if I dare to love myself.”
“I’m responsible for a man’s lust.”
“My body makes me feel shame.”
“I’m just not photogenic.”
It’s time to see yourself with new eyes!
And that’s exactly what this course will teach you how to do. Not only will you learn the technical side of how to take jaw-dropping selfies and capture the real you, you will also learn how to:
Heal your gaze.
Let go of shame.
Find freedom.
Love being a woman.
Feel hot, confident and so at peace being exactly who you are.
Who knew something so “superficial” (#selfies) could reach so deep? But it does for us!
Partly because the “Feminine Wound” is real and it has caused a severe split between the spiritual and the sensual/sexual that affects how we see ourselves (body, beauty, wholeness, worth ) at every level.
If you are a woman desiring wholeness who is ready for more than books and podcasts on the topic, and wants a super fun way to embody and experience that next level of freedom and aliveness (and to be able to capture that in a photo!) the Sexy Selfie Sexy Soul Masterclass is for you!
Get on the waitlist to attend the FREE #sexyselfiesexysoul workshop series.