What I Do to Awaken Feminine Presence Daily
What are you feeling right now?
What has your experience through the covid pandemic and the mounting social unrest been like?
What stories are you currently living through that you will one day tell your grandchildren?
What if you could use whatever you are experiencing to awaken a deeper level of your feminine presence?
During my time away from social media I paid close attention to my embodied states.
I tracked my emotions and witnessed the seemingly random rise and fall of balance in my nervous system.
I walked the streets in my city of Portland, Oregon, where a great deal is going down, and felt like a bewildered child unsure what to make of her place in the world.
I ran to nature again and again and back again to keep remembering a sense of home, recovering a sense of safety and belonging:
Forest Park two miles from our apartment and a world away from the riots in downtown Portland.
Sedona in Arizona.
Painted Hills in Eastern Oregon.
Crater Lake in Southern Oregon.
Yosemite Valley in Northern California.
The Pacific Ocean.
Joshua Tree in Southern California.
Traveling with my family, I made a personal commitment to awaken a deeper level of my feminine presence via the practice of DELIGHT.
The conscious practice of delight is my current spiritual practice and what I do to awaken my feminine presence daily.
Delight as spiritual practice means using delight to ground instead of to escape.
And this is a practice because there is SUCH a temptation to escape and numb out right now. And none of us are wrong, weak or bad for wanting a break from the intensity that has been 2020.
Right now we need as many resources as we can to deal with this unprecedented uncertainty and stress.
Our #1 resource is always with us: our conscious body, our feminine presence.
When we use delight to center us in our bodies, we nourish our nervous system and awaken our feminine presence.
Teaching delight as a spiritual practice is my gift to the world. Delight as Feminine Wisdom is something I have been excavating and developing as a coaching framework for years now (stay tuned for the Feminine Wholeness Coaching Certification Program in 2021!). Even though the significance of delight is not new to me, my embodiment of it is something I too lose from time to time.
In the words of T.S. Eliot,
"There is only the fight to recover what has been lost and found and lost again and again and again."
Recovering delight in all of it's forms is the basis of my approach to Feminine Wholeness and what sets my work apart from all others (except my protégés who are right now mentoring with me to do what I do too! Follow these gals on IG and watch them bloom as Feminine Wholeness coaches!: @her.wilder.mind @conscioussexuality @laurenhscott @kirstenpkelly @nothingconfidential)
Whatever you're experiencing right now, however you are seeing the world and processing what is happening, what if you made space to track your own delights and recover what's been lost?
This is not a selfish or frivolous question.
"Humanity will destroy itself not from lack of information but from lack of appreciation,"
wrote Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel,
"Awe is the beginning of wisdom."
In all things--matters of sexuality, spirituality, motherhood, leadership and relationships, the question becomes, how do I return to awe?
There are an infinite number of ways I am learning.
The hardest part is slowing down and choosing one to be disciplined about.
The "discipline of delight" is the only discipline I like the ring of.
Do you like the sound of it too?
Make a commitment to yourself to awaken your feminine presence by tracking your own delights.
Tracking delight is embodying appreciation. It's gratitude without words, and with full sensation.
Get into nature when and where you can. Go back to the natural world, to the wild things (this is often the quickest portal to awe). Become a "Huntress of Beauty" through each of your senses, as I teach my students. See, feel, taste, touch, and listen again in a way that welcomes wonder. You still have time.
None of us are going to save the world through our refusal to experience pleasure and goodness.
Let us not add to the suffering through our lack of appreciation of what IS still good right here, right now and around.
The world needs the next level of your body and feminine presence to awaken.
Tracking delight with you,
p.s. Do you feel any resistance around delight? Is there a "Yes, but..." in your head right now? Do you have a question you'd like me to offer some coaching around? Share it here and I might just make a video for you! Also, I've been sharing lots of my notes on the intersection of sexiness, playfulness, healing and delight over on instagram. Catch up on these last few posts.
Get Your Burning Questions Answered
Years ago I had a YouTube channel where I shared Christian Yoga practices and meditations. It served a lot of people and I miss connecting with you in that way! I'm working on a new channel (perhaps on IG TV) to be of service via the learnings I have now in the realm of becoming an embodied and sovereign woman. Do you have sex, love, career or relationship question you'd like my advice on? Do you wish you could get expert feminine wholeness guidance on something you are going through? I'm fielding your questions now!
Coming Up
Aug 20-22 Save the Date for a Special 3-Day Virtual Retreat for this Community (Details coming in August)
Aug 25-28 Feminine Wholeness Virtual Summer Camp (For women enrolled in the Early Bird program of the Fall Embody Academy)
Sept 19 Official start of the The Fall Embody Academy (6-Month Mentorship Program Apply here)